A *real* tin magnet
I'm not sure but we were building rat bikes 30 some years ago so I'm thinking the term rat rod morphed from rat bike.
I'm not sure but we were building rat bikes 30 some years ago so I'm thinking the term rat rod morphed from rat bike.
......... I would probably want to drive it as soon as I could. But, I would not be satisfied until the last coat of paint and clear coat is added, the car buffed out to a high gloss, and then scooting down the road.
We used the term "beater" in the mid-50's. It meant the car wasn't worth "fixing up" except to keep it running. We also used the term "hanger". A hanger was worse than a beater as it was barely hanging on to life. Curiously, I can't remember the term "hot rod" being used for anything but a very select few modified cars.
Fuzz, Regional Differences!I vote for you as "Father of the Rat Rod".[cl
posted this on hamb ,, deleted it in 2 minutes,, are they that afaid of rat rods, l own nice cars and rats, l walk on both sides of the car fence,, thanks for the answers
Here is "MY" take on some definitions of how "I" classify different vehicles...
RAT ROD....Big Block Chevy Powered HOTROD (see hotrod definition below)!!
JALOPY....Pieced-together from other cars to make one car. Car is/looks like it is falling apart...This is the proper classification of a where modern day RAT RODS belong in my opinion.
Trailer Queen...Person with toooo much money invested in his/her vehicle "ART" ROD. Can't drive it due to the possibility of dust getting on it. High percentage of these cars were NOT built by the owner. Older, Balding, middle aged, overweight male who doesn't want the TYPICAL Corvette that many others of his genre drive. Many of these owners have a very high opinion of themself and put down all other cars claiming he has the best. Nothing more than a "CHECKBOOK" competition.
Street Rod....Pre-63 vehicle that has been modified to have modern day car amenities (drivetrain, air, tv's, power seats....ect). Many are Fiberglass replicas.
HOTROD....Generally a pre-63 vehicle that was modified for quicker acceleration/top speed. Modern day "RACE" parts commonly used. Mostly owner built/designed in their garage with or with friends helping. Drag Racing type performance/influance modifications performed. Cars were made to pound the streets looking for some racing action!
Traditional Rod...Normally a PRE WAR vehicle that was constructed with parts (speed or from other vehicles) from the era of the cars construction. An example would be a 32 Ford that was "hot Rodded" in the 1950's with that time periods avail parts. Around 1960 seems to be the common CUT-OFF year for using what was avail from "speed" suppliers on a traditional rod. Most modern day builders/replicators of these era cars go to great lengths and money to aquire vintage parts. Only problem I see with modern built traditional era rods are that they are to perfect. They were not built "back in the day" to be put on a trailer and hauled to shows. They were built to be driven...That is something that is getting lost with all the"NEW" "traditional rods" poping up. Another problem is that their are more TRADITIONAL RODS now than their was in the day!! Sorta like everyone who said they were at Woodstock!
Muscle Car...Normally a 1964-72 TWO DOOR "sport coupe"
Street Machine.....73-82 Nova's, Camaros, Malibu...type vehicles that had fat rear tires (sometimes tubbed), roll bars, blowers, tunnel rams, nitrous...ect....Cars resembled what you would see at the drag strip but driven on the road.