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Rat Rods Rule

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He's rockin' the "Nuttin Special"!
Nov 15, 2013
Flawda Flats
90+ today and since this am early I've been hearing a helicopter. The only reason they hang around out here in the boonies usually is a bad wreck and they're life-flighting somebody out or there is a fire...
He hung around too long for a life-flight so I went out this am to check it out. When I got to my gate at the highway a mile away, there was a forestry truck on the road and a few others around. Well fine, 90+ degrees, windy, and the woods are drier than a popcornfart. Looks like our illustrious Forestry department is burning the woods.....whodathunk it would get out of control. They'd put me in jail for burning on a day like this. Looks like it might be a sleepless night around here. I went to the highway while ago and the road is blocked. The fire has jumped to my side of the road. Last trip out and the helo is still dipping water from the ponds. Smoke everywhere and the wind is moving it my way....
Jeesh, sorry for the rant...here's some pix!

They are the government smalloot. They don't have to make sense........[S
Hope all is well down your way. Keep us posted.
When we hear a copter around our neck of the woods it usually means the narcs are out.[ddd
I just heard a Smokey the Bear commercial yesterday with a childs voice saying something like 8 out of 10 forest fires are caused by man. And I thought to myself "Yeah, and half of those are caused by the Forestry Service."

Hope it stays well clear of anyone.
So far, so good.... I'm getting ready to make another trip out to the road and see if anything is same old same old...
Haven't heard the helo in a while and maybe they got a handle on it. I can usually hear vehicles on the highway from here even tho it's more than a mile. It's pretty quiet, but that may mean the road is still closed to the west of me and there is no at-speed traffic going thru. They had 2 State Troopers blocking the road this afternoon. 2 Fire trucks from 2 different stations out on the road, two professional traffic turner arounders out there doing the directional instructions....HA! The State land parking lot next door to the gate is full of forestry trucks, other fire chiefs, misc dumpers, and volunteers...sheesh, anything for a party!~
I'll have to wait till morning to see how much burnt. Looks like nothing but burning embers mostly but can't tell how big it was, maybe 200-300 acres. Cops are still out there slowing traffic down and the smoke is thick. I was going to paint tomorrow but looks like that's out unless I want to try a different textured look...:rolleyes:
Thanks guys for the "care"! I'm ok. They must have it about licked. When I went out about 2:30 pm there were 4 or 5 plows up on trailers parked next to my gate and the fire trucks and Forestry trucks were still out there too. Looks like everybody is just hanging around while the first response truck was busy spraying little flare ups with there small tanked hose truck. They still have limited access to the area down there so I don't know how much is toast. For about a half mile along the highway its burned to the road on the north side and I saw where it hopped the road on my side but not much burned area to see there. I'll check it out after they get away from here.
Thanks again. I'm breathing a little easier except for the smoke...
Glad to see you here posting.

I am confused about a few things. How does a swamp catch on fire? Don't you live in the Everglades?

And I looked and looked at your pics and don't see one 'Gator anywhere?
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Glad to see you here posting.

I am confused about a few things. How does a swamp catch on fire? Don't you live in the Everglades?

And I looked and looked at your pics and don't see one 'Gator anywhere?

Heheheheh!!! To all you people from elsewhere, not all of Florida is everglades...:eek: My home is near the center of the state and would be considered in the area called "Big Scrub" Although I do have water around close by...lakes, ponds and rivers, I'm not right in a swamp. Lots of pines and oaks and palmetto. More of what you would call flat lands. Not much elevation.
On a lighter note, I have been blessed with Divine intervention(Thankyou Lord). For the last 2-3 hours I have had a much needed hard rain. That should put an end to the danger. The only thing that might happen is if the Forestry Dept. didn't get what they wanted to burn done, they might torch it off again...:rolleyes:

For IronRat: there are gators around close by...

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