Got a new freind
Meet Greasy
Last year there were 3 ferals running around
I thought they were jsut visiting
I didn't know they wereliving in my car parts
They come to the windows at night to make sure my dog wakes me up
This year they were a tom a queen and 7 kittens
The neighbor was feeding them. I asked him if he was planning on taking any of them in he said no way. Getting them rabies shots and spay/neuter and maintaining a feral cat colony? No way
Send them to the shelter? No way
last year and this year they were happy to feed the buggers but wanted to take no responsibility for them
sooooo the whole mess of wild fearless sob's got trapped and released in the woods near the raailroad tracks about a mile from the packing houses. either they do theor best and last a year or two or the foxes do fine this winter
either way they live a wild cats life and I don't have to watch my back or worry about rabies when I'm under a car.
But there were 2 that were the runts... last to come out last to eat first to hide that were pretty meek and did not hiss or fight the cage.
One got out of the larger kennel while I was getting greasy in
After 3 days of getting used to things around here she was still pretty skittish but after a towel capture and a scruff let me give her a bath
Once she figgured out I was warm and had food she got pretty freindly
Bob was ****ed at me for getting rid of them His wife was thankful.
I thought I had run all the options past him what we could do with them over a full year already...
I was still wondering why he was mad when it came out he said "Mike, those cats wern't hurting a thing living at your place"
I had to laugh and say absolutely not! 3 last year, 8 this year... What's next year with 4 or 5 females and 3 or 4 toms? Im not going to be the cat hermit of South Omaha.
Noooooo way
So anyways...took right to the litter box and isn't ****ing anywhere that might P me off