He's rockin' the "Nuttin Special"!
I've got my C10 sitting in the front yard and rewiring everything in it. I'm busy tracing wires out, removing, marking, etc. Out of the blue, squirrels are running around me, I saw 5, there may have been more. They were probably just playing tag like they do. It was a fatal mistake for 2 of them. When they went by me, one stopped at my feet and I don't know what my dog was thinking. Maybe that I was being attacked, I don't know. He usually leaves them alone. Well, he caught one and when I looked up from him, about 10 feet away I caught sight of a large Yellow Rat snake and he had one in his mouth too. I kid you not, I didn't know how long it took for a snake to swallow a squirrel, but by the time I made it inside and back out with the camera, the snake had this squirrel downed whole and it was quite a ways inside. When I first saw him he was swallowing it head first. Nature is brutal!