Rebel Rodder
It's only going to be a high of 52* tomorrow! Then a low of 38* Wednesday morning! This is just wrong
Oddrods I hate it for ya ,, so I wont tell you its 51* right now and going to be 65* tomorrow and the next day ...
about 110 with heat index last summer ... But thats ok I dont like cold weather .. but these last few years we may end up with 20s and 30s by next week then back to the 70s again .. its been messed up the past few years around here .. Im not equipped to work out side when its cold ,, I just have to sit inside Thats miserable ...
I was born and raised in Lisbon Ohio and we moved down here when I was 12 .. we never had air in our house either,,or the cars we had , [S I remember the neighbors having a widow fan .. we didnt .. as I can remember ,, if it got in the 90s ,, that was something to talk about Her in Bama we have air in the day time ,, heater at night ,,,