You can argue with a purist but you'll never win!!

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2007
Pigeon Forge, TN.
Man O Man!!! I don't don't know what crawled up the old man's butt today but did I get a talking to about my 51 from him???? He thinks I ought to sell my cab now to put some extra money in my pocket for my move. Of course that didn't set too well with me and I told him "that wasn't gonna happen." I told him once again and for the 100th time that "I have plans to build a rat rod and you know that, and that's the end of the story!"

Then all hell broke loose when the ultra-conservative purist in him came out to play!

He's about as far to the right without falling over as someone get can when it comes to cars. If it's not restored to factory stock it's not a car to him and it's hard to believe that I'm his Spawn sometimes??? [S Well - he was yelling and shaking and telling me - "OK, go ahead and build that piece of **** and when it falls apart in the middle of the highway at 75 miles an hour - don't call me!!!"

At that point I just had to walk away and leave for a couple of hours. :mad: I told him when I got back - "no more talk about the truck OK?" He said "I'm over it - do what you want" I said, "I will since I paid for it in the first place" He called me an idiot and I agreed with him! :)

GEEZ!!! If live to be 82 which I doubt I will anyway, I sure hope I don't turn out to be a ultra-conservative purist car nut! :mad:

I know he means well but one thing I won't tolerate is somebody talking down to me about my truck or wanting to build a rat rod! I've come to far to just stand and take it anymore!! [cl

Just needed to vent.


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Sorry Pat, but he's right! You should put that Truck back to original or as close as you can get it. So called ratrods are dangerous and shouldn't be allowed on the road or worse yet in a car show. Listen to your father he knows what is best for you!........Ok the adult in me took over for a split second, but I'm alright now!!! that Rat and have fun.....[cl...CR
:D I joined an International forum also when I picked up the '48. one of em went ape dodo after I posted some pics of what I was doing.
Ya see my build is a tweener...not a rat, not an original and not a hot rod. Just a little bit of each[cl.

I bet your old man is still proud of his son
You'll always have to deal with a little of that. If you go all orig, someone will give you crap for not modernizing it. Do what you will.

My step-dad and i will never agree on cars, (or houses, or yards, or art or...) but we deal with it. When I need his help he grits his teeth and does what I ask (some what) and in turn when I'm helping him, I keep my mouth shut except to say "yes sir".

Listen to him though. Do what you will, but give him the respect he deserves. Now that is the old man coming out in me.

thanx...Ded N. Buried
there will always be a purist in the bunch. you just have to deal with that. sorry that it has to be your dad. i personally love building something that looks like it will never be able to run. thats what makes it interesting.
I would be happy to be able to argue over cars or trucks with my dad,but for some very good reasons havnt had anything to do with him since I was about twenty,which was a long time ago. You might not always see eye to eye on things but he is your dad and as long as you have a good relationship thats all that matters.
When I got my 48 Olds, my Dad asked my wife "He's going to ruin it, isn't he?" He never was a hot rodder kind a guy..... although he did have a Willys back in highschool (class of '48) that he brutalized....
Thanks for all the comments fella's! Things seem to be back to normal. I think my Pop feels sort of sorry for biting my head off today. :eek: I had to leave this afternoon to spend a few hours with my kids and when I got home tonight my dad had made the most incredible dinner and had a plate all made up and still hot for me. [S As I sat down to eat he sat down across from me and said - "About your truck, I know how much you want to build that thing" :D "So if that's what you want to do it's none of my business so do it and have fun with it when you can afford to" [cl I thanked him for the food and we seem to be good again.

With that, he got up and went to watch TV without saying anything else. :D

The grouchy old guy is a trip! I feel better about things at least.

My dad is cool with it. Its my Mom that that always at me about my cars and bikes. My dad built a 35 ford pickup and my mom was on him all the time about so he finally gave it to me when I was 17. But then when I got married she started on me about building stuff an I should stop because I need the money for the family. Which there was more then enough money for the family. I would just here what she had to say and would say your right mom. But I went and did what I wanted anyway.

Yea she still get on me about my cars and bikes.I not married any more but it because I still have a kid in college. The funny part is I been storing all my bikes in her garage and found out from some friends that when ever someone come over to her house she show them the bikes and tells them that I did all the work myself.

Hay, shes happy, I'm happy So i don't ask why she shows the bikes.
Sounds like he was just having a bad day. My dad and bro are like that except they never realize they were wrong or care that they offended or hurt someone. In fact my bro was over last Sunday critizing my 47. Not one single positive remark came out of his mouth. After 30+ years dealing with them Ive learned its best just to ignore them. Doesnt solve anything but arguing with them is like beating a dead horse. So at the least your dad realizes its what you want to do and respects that.
There's never any sense in arguing with traditionalists or purists, they are so set in their ways and can't accept change. I'm sure your dad is sorry for jumping your case so just like politics, don't even go there any more. I'm glad he decided to make up to you though. I can never leave anything original! I mean, what's the point. For me, a car never came with enough horsepower from the factory, I always have to have custom wheels & so on. Your dad's not member over on that pork site is he? Just kidding! [ddd

Thanks guys! One thing I learned a long time ago was that he will never change his attitude toward hot rods. It just came to a head after living with him for the past few months. It was destined to happen. At 82 he's as stubborn as a mule and thats fine by me. I can't, nor do I want to change him. All I need to focus on is me and my kids from now on. As long as they are covered and I'm moving on with life on my terms. I'm bound to see this through and I don't care who doesn't like it. I think his attitude has actually made me more determined to be honest. He's actually done me a favor in a way.

Not a son-and-pop thing but I'm running into that alot on the Model A forum, where I've been asking lots of questions to get my speedster running.

If you so much ask about putting a 12-volt battery in your model A they will bite your head off because that's "not the way Henry did it".

I put my '31 Slant Window body for sale on there and got tons of interest. When I sent them pics they would pick it apart for every little rust spot and say it was too rough to restore. But they would say things like "get it to someone to restore, not some **** hot-rodder!" Uh, thats what I'm trying to do but you guys don't want it, remember?! So guess where it ended up....

If you don't like EXACTLY what they like then you are an idiot. I can't wait till I'm old enough to be that grumpy.:D:D
If eveybody liked the same kinda car... there'd only be one type of car! There's not!!! I hear old farts talkin' all the time that it's criminal to chop the top. I just like chopped tops... period! Some people hate 'um... I love 'um!!! Always have... always will! [ddd
If eveybody liked the same kinda car... there'd only be one type of car! There's not!!! I hear old farts talkin' all the time about guys choppin' tops. I just like chopped tops... period! Some people hate 'um... I love 'um!!! Always have... always will! [ddd

Exactly! Kinda like Fords philosophy on different colors of T's. You can have any color you want as long as it's black!

Dang old communist purists!! [ddd

Sounds like you need to clock the old fart a good one. Just kidding. Tell him anyone can restore a car to the way they were all built, it takes a real man to hack one up and put it back together.
I find restored cars less and less interesting all the time. A resored tri-5 chevy is pretty much a yawn to me unless it was an old race car or something, same with first gen cameros and mustangs, booring.
Restoration is putting together a puzzle of a pretty picture. Off the shelf parts builds are like paint by numbers. The end results are art, but they don't take artistic talent.

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