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Rat Rods Rule

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Fascinated by rolling objects!
Jul 8, 2007
Tempe AZ on the corner of Oak and Southern
Just how old are you anyway ? I scored 100 :D

Older Than Dirt Quiz

Count all the ones that you remember- not the ones you were told about! Ratings at the bottom.

1. Blackjack chewing gum
2. Wax Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water
3. Candy cigarettes
4. Soda pop machines that dispensed glass bottles
5. Coffee shops with tableside jukeboxes
6. Home milk delivery in glass bottles with cardboard stoppers
7. Party lines
8. Newsreels before the movie
9. P.F. Flyers
10. Butch wax
11. Telephone numbers with a word prefix (Olive - 6933)
12. Peashooters
13. Howdy Doody
14. 45 RPM records
15. S&H Green Stamps
16. Hi-fi's
17. Metal ice trays with lever
18. Mimeograph paper
19. Blue flashbulb
20. Packards
21. Roller skate keys
22. Cork popguns
23. Drive-ins
24. Studebakers
25. Wash tub wringers

If you remembered 0-5 = You're still young
If you remembered 6-10 = You are getting older
If you remembered 11-15 = Don't tell your age,
If you remembered 16-25 = You're older than dirt!

Don't forget to pass this along!!
Especially to all your really OLD friends.

Double Dirt here! Here's a few more:
1. Watching the 'test pattern' on the little B & W tv waiting for programming to start in the afternoon.
2. Rag man in horse drawn wagon.
3. Street Cars (on rails).
4. Safe streets.
5. Playing with mercury and not being afraid of dying.
6. Dad taking all the tubes out of the tv to test them for free at the drug store.
I already knew I was dirt, this confirms it.

Party lines were a trip. Your neighbors would listen in on your conversations and you had to keep yelling for them to hang up. Every so often someone would interupt your conversation and say " I have to make an important call, could you please hang up?"

House keys that were shaped like a little pole with a flag end on it. We could never find ours anyway because we never locked our doors, nobody did.

5 cent milk at school. If they had extras you could buy a second one, but not always.

Getting put out in the hall at school for misbehaving, and having to look like you belonged there so the Principal wouldn't find you and whoop your butt with his paddle. I spent my fair share of days hiding out there, waiting for the bell to save me.

Drive in movies at a buck a carload. There was a second drive in that was more expensive by a little bit, but they showed better movies. So we just hid some people in the trunk to balance it out.

Doctors who made house calls, and who traded services for eggs and garden veggies. ( I tried that last week........doesn't work any more. :D)

Soap box racers made from wooden crates and roller skates.

Vacuum cleaners shaped like rocket ships. Kenmore comes to mind. When I was about 6 I thought I could pilot one and that the only thing keeping it from flying was the power cord, so I wrapped it up around the handle , sat on the vacuum cleaner, and hit the switch. Then I realized the motor wouldn't run without being plugged in. :eek:

Club houses you built in the woods or in a tree. Girls were NOT allowed, and you had secret pass words to get in.

Getting the honor of having the school bus driver pick you to open the door for people at each stop. You felt like big stuff.

Inkwells on desks and pens with those removable tips. The ink pens made great darts.

Desks in school with the lift up lid. Also, cubby holes along the wall to keep your stuff in.

Being chosen to go outside and clean chalk board erasers. Smacking two together and watching the dust fly onto you buddy.

Show and tell at the end of the school day, if time permitted. We were fascinated by the dumbest stuff that someone would bring in.

Valentines Day and Halloween when you actually had parties in school.

Reverborators that you added to your car radio to give it that twangy sound to simulate stereo. When you turned it on it would twang real loud.

A/M only radio. Big old 78 records.

Sock hops at school after lunch. Sometimes called Tea Dances.

Lotta Cola. Came in a bigger sized bottle than the competitors, like Coke.

The bell hose at gas stations, so when a car ran over it the attendant knew he had a customer. We would keep riding our bike over it until he chased us away.

Gas pumps with cranks on the side to reset the numbers.

Gas Wars. I remember it getting down to 19.9 cents a gallon in about 61 or so, and they still gave you a free tumbler and washed your windshield.

Cash registers with a crank on the side to open them up.

Bakery trucks that came to your house about twice a week and delivered bread and cakes.

Bulk motor oil that the gas station dispensed from a barrel with a hand pump into quart glass bottles with a metal funnel shaped top on them. It was like 10 cents a quart.

Girdles. Every "nice" girl had to wear a girdle. I remember the first girl I dated who wore a garter belt and nylons. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. :D (shoulda married her when I had the chance!:rolleyes:)

Hitchhiking. I used to hitchhike all over when I was a kid. People would pick you up and you were in no danger whatsoever.

Balloons on the spokes of your bike for a motor sound.........playing cards worked too.

Well, that's enough for me. Makes me feel even older than I did.

I'm dirt as well, I actually used Butch wax, it came in a tube shaped applicator sort of like a deodorant stick.:eek: I also remember,,,,,,
the "egg man" would drive around town selling eggs out of the back of his 40 something old car.
the "beer man" used to deliver beer to my Grandpa's house.
we had a drive in with the roller skate servers.
what school bus? we walked or rode our bikes.
"DUCK & COVER" drills.
foil x-mas trees with color wheel lights
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more dirt

i can rember all the stuff in the first one, but lived on a farm so some did not apply:eek:

bob W you must be as old as my father if he was still physically present
they proabbly had streetcars when he went to Dunwoodie in about 38
but he did get to ride with Barney Oldfield at the Chicago worlds fair that year. :D BO must have doing a car test ride promo then
I remember we looked forward to the new Sears Roebuck and Montgomery Ward catalogs coming in the mail every year. They sold everything from hot rod parts to rifles to cars to houses that came in a precut stage and you assembled them. Those books were about 3 inches thick back then.

And I bet every young boy like I was headed immediately for the lingerie section.........come on, fess up, you KNOW you did!!! :D:D

A BIG yes to almost every one. You brought up some really good ones. Thanks. Now I'm all misty eyed and nostalgic.
Oh, last year's Sears catalog was in the outhouse at Grandpa's farm. Cheap but ineffective!

Eugene Vik,
We had street cars til the mid-50's. I toured Dunwoody and almost went to school there.
Don has me beat with Dr's making housecalls. How about women wearing petticoats and being embarresed if it showed below the hem of the dress.(snowing down south) Anybody else claim to have ridden on a steam train still in regular service on a regular route.:) Bob W remembers test patterns on black and white tv.
I would love to have an old test pattern for wallpaper on my computer :)


  • indian_h.jpg
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I remember all of it but half of that stuff wasn't a part of my life, like the Packard, I don't remember anybody driving one but we played in a 49 packard convertable that was in the junk pile.
Alright...I wasn't going to respond because according to the test I'm like so many others here, I'm old as dirt, but dang it keep throwing these other things out there, and now I feel older then dirt.

Willowbilly...I owned a 56 Packard a few years ago, and as a lot of people on here know, I own two Studebakers now...the rest of the stuff on the list was all part of growing up in beautiful north eastern PA
its a test

how about sock hops at school. How about Sadie Halkings day at school, where the girls bid on the football jocks. I got bought for 3 dollars and had to walk the girl to her locker to change books an I had to carry them to her class. Ok here is a good one Morgen david wine 59 cents a bottle. My first drink and boy was I ever sick. Damm I love Bud. hahahaha
I remember we looked forward to the new Sears Roebuck and Montgomery Ward catalogs coming in the mail every year. They sold everything from hot rod parts to rifles to cars to houses that came in a precut stage and you assembled them. Those books were about 3 inches thick back then.

And I bet every young boy like I was headed immediately for the lingerie section.........come on, fess up, you KNOW you did!!! :D:D


Sears even sold a cheap little car called the allstate, it was built by Kaiser-Frazer, most people call them Henry J's, they should have advertised them as gassers, probably would have sold more. I also remember everything else mentioned here, damn Im old. :eek:
Dirt here.
Remember the snac counter at Sears? Popcorn, hotdogs, candy. I loved that store as a kid. Going there with my Mom and Dad was a lot of fun.

Ethel gas?


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