Pet roll call.......let's see 'em!

Rat Rods Rule

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You are right about the crap..........we keep him in a large dog cage at the shop and it is a twice a day job cleaning it.

Don's rescue is exactly what this thing is turning into. :eek: We can't seem to pass up a stray or injured animal.

Today I decided to get the duck outside for a while to get him some exercise and to let him remember he is a wild duck. It is Sunday so no one else is at the shop area and it was a good time to get him out on the lawn. I put a lawn chair out there and let him explore for a while.

He has one weak leg from the big duck attacking him and it is getting stronger. He was able to walk around on it better today. What was funny was that he would follow me around and when I sat in the chair he came up between my feet and laid down. He is a cute little guy but I can't wait until he is big enough and strong enough to release. He is already about twice the size he was a week ago and getting fat.

I had to get him back inside when one of the feral cats I feed at the shop showed up early for dinner.




Here's three of mine, the fourth one is camera shy!



This is Layla. She is three years old. She is my dog, took up with me the first day my wife brought her home. She rode in the semi with me for 1.5 years when I was doing long haul. Best judge of character I have ever saw, if she doesn't like you, I know not to trust you!


This is Sassy, another full blood Boston Terrier. She is about 5 years old. She is the wife's. Her and my late son picked her out, the runt of the litter. Not a runt anymore! Her and Layla play rough, sounds like a war!


This is Rip, a Rat Terrier, also known as the old woman. She is also the wife's, she fell in love with her when she was a pup you could hold in your hand. A friend bought her for his daughter, then when the daughter moved out about a year later, gave her [the dog] to my wife. She's about 10 years old. Great watch dog, nothing moves on the place that she doesn't know about.

Have another rat/mixed terrier that my late son got for my wife after we had to have another Boston put down. She had been crying for two or three days when he brought her home and told her," Don't cry Momma, I got you another doggie". She didn't want her, told him to take her back where he got her. I talked her into keeping her, now, she wouldn't take the world for her. Like I said, she's shy, when I get a good pic of her, I'll post it.

love boston terriers and one thing ive learned is ALWAYs trust a dogs instinct over mine.





My little one feeding one of the calves this spring ( all were named lazy bones shortly later)

Well, almost the final chapter in our "duck tale". Dan's GF found a place in Margate, Florida (on the east coast) who rescue Muscovy ducks. Saturday the two of them drove 2.5 hours each way to take the duck to the lady there. She will keep the duck for about 3 more months and set him up with 2 more buddies about his age so he can be released into the outdoors and have friends to be with.

Here is a picture of the little guy the night before they took him over, swimming in his pool. :rolleyes:


Part of the deal was that Dan had to bring back 3 older ducks to release at some lake over here, so that is what they brought back with them. At first they released them at one lake on our property but the bigger ducks started attacking them, so they relocated them to a different lake that has no ducks on it, just a couple of egrets.

I've gone by the last couple of days and checked on them and they seem to be doing well. All 3 hang close together and have the run of the entire lake to themselves. I just hope they are left alone there because they are such cute little guys. Here is a picture I took of them last night.


The stay cats that used to come to the shop every night for supper have been disappearing at an alarming rate. We used to get 8-10 of them and we are now down to 3 or 4. Something not good is happening to them. :( So I decided that once Snowball was adopted I would trap her Mom and get her fixed to stop the revolving door of having kittens and then seeing them meet a bad fate.

About a month ago I trapped Mama Kitty and moved her into the office at the shop because she was looking pregnant already to me. She has been living there and is getting bigger every day, so I think she is getting ready to deliver. I will keep her and the kittens there until they are old enough to adopt out, and a local vet has already said they would take them. I am going to try to find a home for Mama too, and maybe that way she will have a chance at life.

Here is a picture I took last night, she is getting pretty big. :)


Normally she is such a little cat.


I'm an Uncle !!!!!! :D Sometime last night Mama Kitty gave birth to 3 little ones. She hadn't delivered yet when I left the shop after feeding her last night, but today when Dan and I got there we saw these little tails sticking out from under her.

One is white, like her previous kitten Snowball, one is black, and one is colored like the Mom. They are about the size of a mouse and are cute little rascals. The lady who adopted Snowball and I have become friends and she will probably take this white one too, and a local vet has said they will take the other two. Then I can get Mama fixed and find her a good home.

I made them a box with towels, but she seems to prefer the underside of the futon in the shop office. Here is a picture of the new family. :D


Yes, Don, nice save. Kittens and ducks. What's next? Any of those Burmese Pythons in your area?

Sawzall got it right, good heart.[cl
I was using the cat the other day to figure out the size of the chop....


Then checked to see if the new steering wheel was setup right....

Hehe, yeah, cats are great for checking out clearances. Sniffy and Scooter (who are no longer with us.......sob :() were always the first ones to have to try out the seat in some car we were building.


Looks a bit like my ex-wife....

well not really.....her feet were the way snake your Mail man a Mail lady???

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