He recycles the right way
Is the 5.3 really that much stronger than a 350?
Is the 5.3 really that much stronger than a 350?
Looks great. That's the problem with a car that nice. Always got to keep it clean.[ddd
Good to hear from you.
Hey thanks for the update..... looks great...I'd polish on it
if it was mine....good to hear from you DJ...
I love this car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They can put a performance tune in the computer which can pick up around 30 horse.
Jess has had his done a couple of times. Might have some info for you.
I talked to Jess' guy. He has a third party who tunes part time come in and do the LS motors. I just didn't like that idea. I think I have found a place, but haven't gotten around to it yet.
Got the alignment done yesterday. The car drives better and makes a lot fewer noises. I think the suspension is finally tuned. One result of this tuning process is the stance. I like the rear higher. It kind of had a tail dragger look before at least in my opinion.
Also got the window tinted in preparation for the summer.
It turns out that I work with a guy that owns/races a sprint car with an LS. He's one of the special project mechanics in the research shop at work. He knows the LS through and through. I can ask him about helping you out if you want. He's a heck of a guy.
That's the characteristics of a LS or any other fuel injected engine.
If they drop too fast they have a tendency to die.