Old Iron
Well-known member
So I got the engine fired up tonight, got the timing adjusted, I think I got the carbs dialed in, and the cooling system burped. The transmission is still leaking from the bell housing but not nearly as bad as it was. I’m almost wondering if maybe the torque converter isn’t seated as far in as it should. So this weekend, I’m going to pull the bolts from the flex plate and see if I can slide the torque converter back anymore. If that’s the case, I’ll have to pull the engine again and add a shim between the flex plate and crank. Have I mentioned how much I hate automatics?
Automatics are eazy when the cooperate, when not good luck.
On a better note your build is coming along nicely !!! (Clapping Hands)
Thanks bud. It runs freakin awesome. I’ll have to get a video of it running and get it posted soon.
I’ll have to pull the engine again and add a shim between the flex plate and crank.
darn, when things don't go as planned, hang in there, it'll get better,
It’s a 57 3 speed.