You know that we have to have problems to solve or we wouldn't be builders.
aint that the truth! just move from problem to problem
You know that we have to have problems to solve or we wouldn't be builders.
Now to boot this truck out to the shed, and bring in the next project.
'34 Plymouth what?Good question Kenny. They are the size that isn't made anymore. I think it is #12. You can order them through a vintage Ford parts store. Good luck.
You might think I'm crazier than I really am, Dr., but I'm going to walk right past the '34 Plymouth that's half done and bring in a '34 Dodge Brothers truck that's partly done.
I almost forgot that I should test drive my '36 Ford before I put it away 'til spring. So it got drove and it passed the test. The clutch is smooth in engaging and there doesn't seem to be any gas smell. The windshield wipers play together without fighting, now. Of course, they only acted up when it was stormy and we were going down the highway at a good clip.
You might think I'm crazier than I really am, Dr.
'34 Plymouth what?
Is that the original hood or did they not put the hood scoops on the 68"
The answer is too... too dirty to tell.
I'm also curious, Mac. Do I see this hood under the grime?