Earthman asked "Covid how are you affected?"

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Staff member
Sep 26, 2014
new zealand
a recent post of mine spurned this thanks Earthman

Eman asked how crapvid has affected my world downunder ? heres my answer shared,, left me wondering about the reality in the rest of world...

im interested to find out how you guys are affected ? one thing id add was business has done it tough, alot of smaller business doors have closed, one florist i heard about simply could not afford to close and pay staff over our lockdown march april last year so they closed the doors forever . we have top airline pilots working in grocery markets ..

Eman ,, its a funny old thing surrounded by a moat , theres not a huge change at the moment,, we had our lock down. allowed out for grocery runs .. lack of traffic i remember was a little creepy and i caught myself speeding in the city hehehe, probably the biggest thing is overseas freight into the country seems to be all over the place, as in some items can appear within days, other goods weeks/months overdue . very few if any masks worn. All incoming travellers are held in isolation for 14 days min -daily news reports on how many "new" cases out those poor souls - no real social distancing ..

so really its almost a pre-covid return to normal

interestingly a recent conversation with a long standing real estate agent said he had received many more inquires from the States than ever before

politically - dont ask ill rant lol !! im sure we feel the same
Thanks for the update[cl
Sounds like you have it better than some us over here [cl
I just moved from a large stupid state to a more down to earth state. Not great but much better :eek:
I have never bragged about our isolation a way up here, before, but now I'm thankful for it. We have about 25 sick people in the county and 100 in the local city, so that's it. Most of us wear masks when we go to get mail or groceries. We are in lock down as far as gatherings of people go.
I do feel sorry for small businesses though, they have a hard time.
The first round of vaccines are being given out especially to the elderly and the first responders.
I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Good Luck guys.
As with MM not too many people where I live, masks are mandatory as is social distancing. Our whole family has stayed safe till this past Monday when my 90 year old mother came down with it in an Alberta long term care home.
As with MM not too many people where I live, masks are mandatory as is social distancing. Our whole family has stayed safe till this past Monday when my 90 year old mother came down with it in an Alberta long term care home.

Like everyone else on here, I wish your mom the best. This is one weird sickness, some people breeze through it, and some do not survive a day or two. But, like a lot of people, I have a new respect for how serious this thing is, and how, no matter how you isolate yourself and mask up, or whatever, it can still get you.

As I mentioned a little while back, there were two nights where I thought I would not see the morning..........and then it started to go away..thank God.

Stay safe out there guys, believe me, you DO NOT WANT TO GET THIS THING.
Thanks for that response Crate. Arizona has been at the top of the list thru this whole thing. The governor is in quandary about which way to go to get him the best chance for re election. Lock down to save lives or leave the businesses open to preserve jobs and cross his fingers the vaccine saves his chances.
Like everyone else on here, I wish your mom the best. This is one weird sickness, some people breeze through it, and some do not survive a day or two. But, like a lot of people, I have a new respect for how serious this thing is, and how, no matter how you isolate yourself and mask up, or whatever, it can still get you.

As I mentioned a little while back, there were two nights where I thought I would not see the morning..........and then it started to go away..thank God.

Stay safe out there guys, believe me, you DO NOT WANT TO GET THIS THING.

Thanks Don, There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to who this bug takes down. Some don't even know they have it. My Mom has had breathing problems for many years so we were really worried about her if she got it, but she seems to be doing pretty good.
No doubt this is real.
I've had friends on both sides of the effects issue and like's been said, there's no rhyme or reason for the variances other than underlying illnesses to start with.
A lot like the way other diseases affect the population, isn't it?

No, this one is different than anything I have seen in my 75 years on this planet. It came from nowhere, started killing people, and has ramped up to the point where point where between 3,500 and 4,000 Americans are dying every single day. If we were to stand 4,000 people together, it would be a huge crowd, and yet we are losing that many every day.

But, as we have discussed, this is a very strange disease.........some people have it and do not know it and some die very quickly. When Dan and I got it at the same time, all he had was a fever, felt fine, but was sleepy a lot. Me, I got the whole shooting match, high fever, cough, sore as I have ever been, felt like I was going to croak any minute, and lost my appetite and senses of smell and taste. I also slept for days at a time. Even now, after going on a month, food is just starting to have some flavor to it.

I hate to be a Preacher, but I just do not want any one else to go through what I, and so many others, have gone through. I was fortunate, so many others were not as lucky.
With all due respect, Don. If you are old and not in good health, this disease can be deadly. For everyone else that isn't true. I've spent a fair amount of time analyzing this situation and can cite lots of statistics people don't want to hear.

Personally, I've had two open heart surgeries, 6 stents, A stroke, two deep vein thrombosis, two forms of cancer, and numerous less serious problems and surgeries. I no longer run scared. Respect this disease? Yes. Fear it? No.
I know what you are saying, Bob, but the facts are, there is no consistency to this virus. Teens have died, people in their 20,s and 30's have died, and a lot of them had no underlying conditions that would aggravate this thing.

We all just need to be careful, mask up, stay away from others as much as possible, wash our hands, and use hand sanitizer. I did all of those things in spades, and it still came knocking.

I would suggest others to take their temperature a couple of times a day, regardless of how you feel. In the early stages I felt fine, but my temperature started to climb slightly, into the 99 degree range, and I normally run 97 ish. That was my first sign, and then the test confirmed I had it. A few days later I was in the 101.8 range steadily.
Don’s right, there is no consistency with it. I had it last Jan before they even knew what it was, they gave me a couple of shots and some pills and a couple of days later I was fine. I ran a low fever, around 100, was short of breath and had no energy. On the other hand, my wife has it now, she is the same age I was last year when I had it, 60, and she’s having a hard time, see my other thread.

She has been religious about wearing a mask out in public, social distancing, using hand sanitizer, etc, and still caught it. I Don’t think the masks make much difference unless someone sneezes on you. Even then I have my doubts unless they are the N95 ones that almost no one has.

I’ve got a 94 year old Great Uncle in a nursing home that just got over it. All he had was a low fever and a cough. But he’s healthy as a horse, always has been. Those underlying conditions, known or not, seem to make the difference.
Bama, my take on wearing a mask is, you are protecting the other people when you wear it. If there's one selfish clod not wearing one and breathing on you, you're in a bad position. Your wife was doing her part to protect society, but someone else was not.
Good Luck, Mrs. Bama.

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