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Rat Rods Rule

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  1. Rat33pickmup

    Spokane Goodguys Photos Day 2

    Great pics Steve, I will post some when a friend sends them to me. He took 363 pics on saturday. I also met Caddad65 and his family, his 2 girls climbed all over the front of my ford ( what a great thing to be able to not worry about Kids hurting my truck hehehe). This had to have been the best...
  2. Rat33pickmup

    Need help finding two of these

    sorry, I was trying to help ya out by tellin you what it was.
  3. Rat33pickmup

    Need help finding two of these

    those are 49 chevy rear license plate frames, Wish I had a few just to have them. Goodluck on finding the original ones, they were used on Kustoms back in the day and My Dad had a heck of a time finding one for the front of his 49 Chevy in the mid 80s. Jim
  4. Rat33pickmup

    My new saw = Earthman/Bonehead conspiracy!

    Bob, ive said it a few times just like the other guys and a few gals, GREAT site and I enjoy every bit. I try to get on more but life is way busy here at my house trying to finish all the bodywork and paint on my Dads 39 chevy so I can get back on the 33. Bonehaed did a GREAT Job on your Wall...
  5. Rat33pickmup

    Spokane Good-Guys

    Gotcha Steve, just look for the stock green with white top 65 Ford pu it sits real low, what days ya gonna be there?
  6. Rat33pickmup

    Spokane Good-Guys

    I will be there in the 65 ford pu. Jim
  7. Rat33pickmup

    86 to 64 *suspension*

    there are some small things, you can put 73-87 front under a 64, the steering box ( usually) needs to have a hole cut in frame then plate from backside welded in for clearance issues but you can just use a spacer between the Box and frame ( if you use a spacer it will turn real sharp one way and...
  8. Rat33pickmup

    Billetproof NW

    all I can say is WOW, wish I would have drove the 350 miles to check that out. Imp, thanks for the pics and again, WOW. My Gramma grew up in Centralia and my Great gramma passed away in Centralia @ 107 years old in 1987. Great place Jim
  9. Rat33pickmup

    looky looky what i found.

    Ark, They are located in CT and do a great job on making the floors, I used their stuff on a 52 and it only took a little to fit them, was WAY easier than stuff ive got from other "known" places. I know Josh and should have asked what his Dads name was but ive always delt with Josh on the...
  10. Rat33pickmup

    looky looky what i found.

    hey Ark, I will get a hold of a friend, him and his Dad build new floors for those cars, just havent been able to find his number but I will look this weekend for ya. Jim
  11. Rat33pickmup

    Goodbye to a good friend.

    Sorry Don, glad you are doing better, still a hard thing to do Jim
  12. Rat33pickmup

    looky looky what i found.

    that car should work good on an S10 frame. my Sister/Brother in law had a 52 ( same car) but they sold it, the guy put a camaro subframe in it and it sits real nice. Jim
  13. Rat33pickmup

    Billetproof NW

    hey Trashn'l, Awesome pics and do you know a Guy named Mike Shelley? and his wife Sue. They are friends of the Family, my Dad and Mike go way back. Anyways if ya do know him just tell him Jim Smith said howdy from Cheney Washington. Looked like a great show, I wanted to make it but my 33...
  14. Rat33pickmup

    Whats everyones age

    I am 37 but like the rest of you too many late nights in the garage and drinkin beer makes me feel 102 some mornings. my g/f is 28 and makes me feel young on some days ( when she chases me outta the house to the Carport). Jim
  15. Rat33pickmup

    steering shaft

    hey guys, Thanks a lot for the help. gonna get it in a few weeks almost have the frame ready to finish and then its on its way to bein put back together. Jim
  16. Rat33pickmup

    steering shaft

    what tubing does everyone use for your steering shaft from the pitman to the spindle arm? I have heard of DOM but where do I get it? Jim
  17. Rat33pickmup


    my prayers are here for Pete's family. I have tears in my eyes just thinkin about it. Jim
  18. Rat33pickmup

    Reto Window Cooler

    thats an awesome idea outta a bazooka tube. Jim
  19. Rat33pickmup

    Gas Expensive??

    you know thats not a good comparison, it doesnt take 24 gallons to fill your stomache up, and you would be in a coma/dead if you drank 20 gallons of Nyquil. Plus if your car ran on water you wouldnt be gettin it from a station you would be pullin up to your own house. Thats all crazy talk...
  20. Rat33pickmup

    Title Problem ? HELP

    take a piece of paper and turn a pencil on its side. put the paper over the tag and rub from side to side and then ya dont have to take the vin plate off and they can get the # from that. The numbers should show through it like when ya did that as a kid over stuff with the pencil and paper trick...