1925 Dodge Coupe a.k.a. "Big Dodge"

Rat Rods Rule

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I took the Hurst Cheater slicks on steel wheels off the Binder and put them on Big Dodge. If you go back in this thread a few pages you can see what the Dodge looked like with the Hoosier Pro Street Radials on 12" wide Weld Rodlite wheels. I'd appreciate the opinion of the esteemed RRR members.

Here's the side view. There is a side view with the other tires & wheels a few pages back. I wish I had some red steelies to try on the front.
UncleIan, I did find the directional arrows on the Hoosiers. There's better than a 50-50 chance I'll put them back on the Dodge the right way now. Thanks for pointing that out.
I'll have to say that with the fronts you have the steelies & cheaters "FIT" the bill!! Much better than the rodfag......I mean rodlites.

Ratty 46
No comparison.............I like the new Hurst tires and steel wheels much better. Looks less like a fad T to me. I like the new look a lot, but those front wheels have got to go. (and I hope they go to me!!!!!!!:D) I really envy you for having those spoked front wheels, they are my fantasy wheel.

Looks good Bob.

While you ladies are argueing over which shoes to wear to the prom,, I'm gonna stand back and look at that pancaked rear deck lid...I luv it..yeah Dodge bros. :D

I took the advice of some of you and dumped those funny spoke wheels. Got $30 each for them at the scrap yard cuz aluminum is high right now. Pulled the front wheels off my '27 roadster and stuck 'em on Big Dodge. You will have to pretend they are red. Oh, the ET 12 spokes look pretty cool on the roadster (haha).
Other than color, the wheel/tire combination is the most subjective and personal choice made on a rod in my opinion. You can ask 10 people and easily get 10 different opinions. I don't have an issue with any of the combinations so far. I just like some better than others based on my own personal preferences. Since you offered up this last choice, My personal prefence would probably be different than most. I would like to see the rear wheels painted black instead of the front wheels painted red. That's probably too bland for most tastes.

I think I'd really like to see the wheels/tires that are on my Anglia on that car. ET III's, as cast finish, with pie crust cheaters. Where's the photo-choppers around here.
Blademan, Thanks for the chop. It really changes the look a lot. The length to height ratio makes it look a mile long.
Gastrick, Your wheel suggestion is right on. Just wish I had the bucks to pull it off. When E.T. went back into business 10 or so years ago, I called them to order just the combo you suggested. The price was high and I got the Weld Rodlites instead, for my (then) Fiat. I was never happy with my choice.

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