1925 Dodge Coupe a.k.a. "Big Dodge"

Rat Rods Rule

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I stole the Keystones with TA's off my Model A tudoor, which hasn't been driven for a couple years. Leo likes 'em and I think they look fine too. They will stay on it unless I win the lottery.
Leo is working on getting a title and plates. He has all winter. His health appears to be holding good so he should be cruising in style next spring.
At the Vet's Home picnic (there is a separate thread about it) Leo was popular with fellow residents and staff and the old hot rod friends that showed up because he is the only resident with a hot rod. It was the first time the Dodge had been at a show.
Nice Dodge...

Great work on the old Dodge Bob! And I think it great that you're being such a good friend to Leo. I think this is one of the best threads on a build that I have ever read!

Everyone needs a friend like you!


- I have a 48 Plymouth coupe (cousin to the Dodge).
- My step dad and father in law are both retired Army and Viet Nam vets.
- I have developed arthritis in one knuckle (sure it will spread some day).
- And I could really use a new friend.

So, when should I drop off the Plymouth?

In all seriousness, it is unfortunate that we are all not more like you especially where our veterans are concerned. This world would be a much better place if we would all follow your example.

You will be blessed by the joy you are putting into your friends life.
Thanks for the kind words, tho I don't deserve it. I would much rather build a car for someone than paint a house. I love car building. '48 Plymouth coupes are great looking cars. My son & I reassembled a '49 Plymouth 4 door (that I got from Leo) so I have some advice for you. We used dropped uprights, Ply-Do disc brake kit and a Cavalier power rack & pinion. All this stuff came with the car. It would be cheaper and the results would be better to install a late model subframe. In Texas you should be able to find nice rust free subframes. Good luck with your Plymouth and say Hi to your Step Dad & father in law for me.
BH, I no doubt don't do all that I should when I store a car. I put Sat-Bil in the gas tank and run it for a while. Make sure the antifreeze is up to the demands of our winter temps. I bring the battery into the heated garage and charge it every couple months. I take the slicks off the Crosley and let it sit on jack stands. Drip trays are necessary as the auto transmissons like to leak when sitting a long time. During this summer I drove 5 of them and 2 continued to languish in the back garage. But they know I love them even if they didn't get to cruise this year.

I am dredging up this old thread to report that my lifelong friend Leo died yesterday at 73.. We were friends since 1957. To those unfamiliar with the story of this build, Leo became very crippled and wanted one last cool ride. So with mostly his money, I built the '25 Dodge in this thread. I want to believe Leo got many hours of enjoyment as he sat in the garage and watched me build it. He only drove it a few miles as we never got it titled and he was just too crippled by the time it was done
Leo was an unforgettable character, love him or hate him. His last several years were spent in a wheelchair. He was kicked out of the Vet's Home, a Vet's Home Care Facility and a couple nursing homes. Finally, the VA cut him loose and turned him over to the county. The last couple years he was in a nursing home run by nuns. Right back where he started as a child, being reprimanded by nuns. At least they didn't hit him with rulers in the nursing home, although I'm sure they wanted to many times.
Leo led a turbulent life with many highs and lows.
A week ago, on the phone he told me he was coming over to kick my ass.
That's Leo. Gonna miss you, good buddy.
I was dreading this post

I have been following your builds with great interest and all through this one there was a pit in my stomach that Leo would be passing soon in a post. Sorry about the loss of your friend and the loss of another of our countries veterans.
I had wondered where this went. Thanks for this final chapter Bob. Truly sorry to hear this but you have many years of friendship to look back on and that is a blessing to be counted.
This was one incredible build and story Bob. So glad for you to have had a friend that colorful. That Dodge is out-of-sight. BTW, sounds like you have waayyyyy too many toys. I'll come and relieve you of one/some if you want more room.

Thanks for your kind thoughts everyone. It is not a terribly sad time as Leo was in pain, very crippled and quite unhappy.
Shortly after the Dodge was runable there was a car show at the Vet's Home. Leo got to drive the Dodge into the show. The only resident of the Home to have a car on display. He was a celebrity that day.
The story of Leo ends Friday at a memorial service. But his friends, ex-wives and acquaintances will never forget him
The Dodge was put up for sale here on RRR. Gregster and his brother were heading up north from their home in Alabama on a vintage tin gathering expedition. They bought the Dodge. The boys made some nice improvements and even sent me some video of it on the highway and at a show. I don't know if they still have it.

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