1936 chevy low cab build 1.5T

Rat Rods Rule

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From those views, the 1" up looks better. I matches up with the back of the cab pretty good.

...but it looks a little low when I compare it with the lines on the front of the truck. Is the grill sitting at the final height?

Can you open the garage door and snap a pic to give us a 3/4 front view?

FYI...I screwed around for a long time before I finalized the flatbed on my 48
I'll work on the 3/4 shot... We haven't kicked the heat on yet back there so I should be able to... Probably not till sun... As far as the grill goes, no out will go down a bit it's just prop'd up there... I'm going to have to section a few inches out of it ... Goal is to have it at the proper height and angle to the cowl
I like how you had it originaly or 1 up not 2 up too high. My op. Only prob with raising is it hides the tank, mounted like that I think you need to see as much as possible.
How securely mounted is your gas tank?

I just had an idea might be kinda cool, but may **** you off just a bit....

What about moving the gas tank to under the back of the bed/behind the tires(completely exposed)?

It might do a couple of things visually. It would smooth out the profile of the truck, allow you to raise the bed without having a slab side look (use more stock-like bed thickness), yet the side be filled in. The tank would act as sort of a roll pan and at the same time incorporate the same vibe as a 32 passenger car tank.

You might even be able to slavage most of your existing mount if you turned it upside down and hang the tank from it.

Just an idea. [S
Haha ... I wouldn't ask for suggestions if they were going to **** me off... That's not how I roll!

That being said, don't think I want to move the tank to the rear for these reasons...

-I have plans to make a sort of trunk space back there so I can take te truck to shows overnight... I need some sort of area to throw some bags... As well as be able to just use the truck to run to the store or whatever I want some sort if storage space and the rear area is the only option...

-the tank is about 1/2-3/4" wider than my frame rails so if I were to hang it underneath I wouldn't be able to mount the bedsides to the frame and going wider would start to interfear with the tires when the truck is aired out... As well as cause problems with clearance with the 4 links...

-if I go to high with the bedsides and try to maintain a stock bed depth ... You will begin to have a gap behind the cab where the frame would be exposed...

You don't like the tanks location? I thought it makes for an interesting visual, especially when I put the old school curved filler neck, and I still plan on putting the old mechanical fuel gauge on top of the tank...

Thanks for the input flipper!
The tank is cool, but something feels a tad "off" and I'm not sure what it is. It might just be I'm used to seeing the tank inside the bed.
I'd like to see this view with the different bed heights. This is the view that makes me want to see the bed even with the bottom of the side windows.

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Oh and by the way, I hope you don't think I am being overly critical...I love your truck! I am kicking ideas out there as if I was finishing it for myself.
I like the bed 2" up. Just covering the bottom of the tank just makes the tank more of a visual tease. Makes you want to walk over and see what is going on without being overstated. Also if the bed is going to be 2" up then definately trim the bottom sides shorter. If you try and have the bed sides even with the bottom of the cab then the bed winds up being to tall or fat. just my $.02

the truck is coming out awesome by the way!
Oh and by the way, I hope you don't think I am being overly critical...I love your truck! I am kicking ideas out there as if I was finishing it for myself.

Its all good man.. no worries.. I didnt have a chance to grab those other shots.. Ill grab them tomorrow...

Thanks for your input jfg455, visual tease.. i like that..

I do think I need to evaluate the situation a little more before I commit to a final placement..
I'm taking a risk here because I'm artistically impaired. First let me say your truck is going to be an absolute hit wherever it is shown. I think it is the bomb.[cl
Now, for changes; I like the bed in the position you currently have it. At the bottom of the stake pockets, I'd fold the box side in with a 1" flange. Then if you want a skirt below that, add a 6" to 8" panel with an upper 1" flange that is spot welded to the flange on the bed side. My worst suggestion: don't make the gas tank a focal point.
id leave it stationary, no rise to the bed. the body lines shoot up in the back that people are focusing on trying to help them flow the lines. tho when i look from the side, the bed rails match the first position m best in my opinion.

tho in the end, all you gotta do is stare at it yourself for a bit, and once its decided in your head it will click better. asking opinions usually means that im second guessing my gut decision on my preferred look.
I'm taking a risk here because I'm artistically impaired. First let me say your truck is going to be an absolute hit wherever it is shown. I think it is the bomb.[cl
Now, for changes; I like the bed in the position you currently have it. At the bottom of the stake pockets, I'd fold the box side in with a 1" flange. Then if you want a skirt below that, add a 6" to 8" panel with an upper 1" flange that is spot welded to the flange on the bed side. My worst suggestion: don't make the gas tank a focal point.

Bob, u dont have to be modest.. we all know you have quite an eye for building rods...

I cant fold a flange inward it would bump the bedsides out accordingly and i think i would have issues to my 4 link...

Dont like the tank placement?

id leave it stationary, no rise to the bed. the body lines shoot up in the back that people are focusing on trying to help them flow the lines. tho when i look from the side, the bed rails match the first position m best in my opinion.

tho in the end, all you gotta do is stare at it yourself for a bit, and once its decided in your head it will click better. asking opinions usually means that im second guessing my gut decision on my preferred look.

Oh i will end up putting it where i think looks best.. i stared at it for a while tonight.. I actually think the higher I go with the bed.. the lower the truck looks... but going higher adds the problem that I will address below...

Heres the front shot 1" up

2 In up...

Heres a mock up I did where the black line represents a "stock" Depth bed the line I cut it to is a little over an inch deeper.. but that splits the 4 link mounts in half...

So I think that looks a little awakward having the one mount through the bed side and the other not, so as mentioned before a filler panel may improve the look... so here was a quick mock up with a swooping side I could have done a better job taking the picture so you can see the swoop up to the cut out for the axle... I duno.. just thinking.. i should have set a pocket in place

the 2 in is growing on me.. but we will see... as always thanks for all the input guys, nice to have people to bounce ideas off of...
Is it possible to stop the bed side above both of the 4-link bars?

I know you want storage space, but maybe the bed can be deep between the frame rails, but leave the frame more exposed on the outside.

Just a thought, trucks awesome any way you go with it. :cool:
How big of a pain in the butt would it be to have your rear 4 link mount hidden by a stake pocket? ....with the bolt heads on the surface of the stake pocket and the link bars coming out of the rear.
looking from the angle from the front, the 2" is best, especially with the swooping filler panel for the bottom. so that gets my vote. the stock height looked good from the back view tho lol
Well, little late to the party, but here's my take. 1" with the lower 'swoop' panel in front of the wheel. Stake pocket over the 4-link if possible. Trim the bottom of the panel behind the rear - otherwise you'll have big butt syndrome.

I like Bob's idea of a flange, but that's out. Any kind of relief right there might work visually though. Even if it's only 1/8" difference. Like a lap joint.

And why doesn't anybody on this forum put a step on their stepside beds? [S:D I say put a stock style step even with the bottom of the cab right there. Might work, might not.

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