Nice work Doc.
Doc, if I'd known you better a few years ago, maybe you could have steered me straight, but alas, no, didn't happen.
John Deere made the 'D' tractor from 1923 until 1953 and it became famous. Some guys all around the world would hitch two 'D's in tandem and do twice or three times the work. I got interested to see how they steered and flexed, so I went to the internet to learn more. Well sir, it took me prit-near three days looking through sites and forums before I decided not to type in Double 'D' in the search box. [ddd
There will be no pictures with this confession.
There will be no pictures with this confession.
Can't see? Well, let me be the first to welcome you to the old farts club
I bet you can see the double D's though [ddd
I just use off the shelf reading glasses. Its a bit of a hassle, but better than not being able to see up close.Green and yellow, Mac? Allow me...
Yeah, I'm getting older and Mom told me I'd go blind. She's not an optometrist and neither am I, but double D's have definitely affected my vision, one way or the other.
Shopping online today for a solution to my newfound dilemma... seems nobody makes a magnifying or "cheater" lens for my big window helmets. WTH? I've been using big window lids for 20 years, at least... does nobody make them 4.5"x 5.25" ???? [S[S[S
Shopping online today for a solution to my newfound dilemma... seems nobody makes a magnifying or "cheater" lens for my big window helmets. WTH? I've been using big window lids for 20 years, at least... does nobody make them 4.5"x 5.25" ???? [S[S[S![]()
I fully understand, my friend. I was in progressive trifocals for years. Finally got so bad that I had to get new eye implants. (not DDs, thankfully) Now I just need strong readers for fine work. Like welding and reading stuff on paper.Skip, those would be watermelons, for sure. [ddd
I wear progressive lenses with a heavy prescription. (I can't find my way to the sh**house without them.) I think a magnifying lens for my helmets is the cure... just looking for the big ones, you understand!