I'll tell ya how easy it is.
My Grandfather was a mechanic and alcoholic so, the way he made his living was everyone who new him, new he done good work really reasonable.
When I was 7 years old, my Uncle was 11. He and I would get picked up by his dad, my Grandpa. He'd take us out to some farm house where sitting under a tree (hence shade tree mechanic) would be a Dodge, Plymouth or pretty much anything with a flathead in it.
He would sit in a lawn chair while we jumped up on the engine and started taking it apart. As the pistons would come out Grandpa would clean the ring grooves, install the rings, deglaze the cylinders and my Uncle and I would commence to putting it back together.
Then he would torque all the bolts.
Hey, no one told us we were too young or couldn't do it

Must have been a real show to the car owners
Our pay was a bologna (all the slices we wanted) sandwich and a whole quart of chocolate milk each [dr mmmmm still love those

If two snot nosed kids can do it, so can you [P