Old Iron
Well-known member
Beautiful work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the color of the Rocket is spot on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the color of the Rocket is spot on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You've came a long way Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![cl [cl [cl
I agree on another 2 niches in the front[P
Looks pretty good to me right there Torchie. You still have a lot of weight to add on the front, the rest of the sheet metal, core support, radiator, fluids, etc. I think it will drop another inch with all that, and the spring may settle down an inch.
Yep, looks like it was made for it. You'r going to have a one of a kind truck. Think you'll be on the road this season?
Yep, you nailed it Torchie! [cl[cl[cl Little close on the Gen bracket, could always put a bubble there for clearance if you can't get a proper top mount bracket. Tire fills out the fenderwell nicely.
I'm with the rest of the crew.
Bam's bubble idea, seems like a good one as long as it doesn't interfere with the tire when turning.