1st concert you attended!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
Since we have a thread for Music that doesn't suck... I thought it would be interesting to see what people's 1st concert was! Just remember I'm an old dude so many people won't remember my 1st!

My 1st was Arthur (I am the God of hellfire & I bring you fire) Brown!


The opening act was Fleetwod Mac... this was before Buckingham & Nicks featuring Peter Green on guitar!

i remember that.

My first rock concert was Jimi Hendrix at the Swing Auditorium in San Bernardino, CA. 1968. Complete with tear gas and riot police looking for trouble that wasn't happening. Great memory.
Dennis Yost and the Classics Four. Kind of a 60's mellow pop band. First real rock concert was Foreigner, Lover Boy, and ZZ TOP. Lover Boy opened, then Foreigner, then ZZ. We were on on the second level, the pot smoke was so thick we got high without smoking a thing!
Five finger death punch at the show box in Seattle. Small venue. Couple hundred at most. We ended up right against the stage. 1st of many metal shows to follow!!
Saxon 1982 (?) countless after that...
I played drums in a couple metal bands. Every penny was spent on worn or shattered drumkit parts and sticks and beer and pot and concerts and albums...I would like to say great times, but I got old in a hurry back then... :p
I saw the Guess Who, probably was about 1975. I've seen lots since then, Nazareth, Bachman Turner Overdrive a couple times, ZZ Top, Eagles, SuperTramp, Rush multiple times, etc etc....
Dennis Yost and the Classics Four. Kind of a 60's mellow pop band. First real rock concert was Foreigner, Lover Boy, and ZZ TOP. Lover Boy opened, then Foreigner, then ZZ. We were on on the second level, the pot smoke was so thick we got high without smoking a thing!

I'm guessing you & I are about the same age.
My first concert was John Cougar Scarecrow tour.
Saw a lot of different 80's bands at Pine Knob in Clarkston MI. Pat Benetar, The Cars, Motley Crue, Ratt.
made the rodeo several times at the astro dome with country stars, remember conway twitty, lynn anderson. my first concert without family was jimmy buffet and eagles at jeppesen stadium, second was at the summit and was pablo cruise and the doobie brothers.
Van Halen 1979. (My buddy and I were just shy of 13 years old.)

I drew their logo on the back of my denim jacket with a fat magic marker...


Mom was not impressed. [ddd

My absolute, hands down favorite band. But, never have been to any of their concerts :rolleyes:

We were freakin' nuts for VH back then. I believe that concert was the one and only time they played in our fair city, so I treasure the memory!

I have 200 (real) watts pumping Cerwin-Vegas in my backyard shop, so my neighbours are VH fans, whether they like it or not. [ddd


The Lindy brothers band. The local neighborhood garage band. 2 doors down from where I grew up. I was 9 at the time.:eek: :cool::cool:
Never went to a "rock" concert. Lots of Big bands and jazz. Although I did see the Beach Boys in 76 at Pine knob and worked a few (Like the Doobie Brothers)
at a local concert venue.
Although I did see the Beach Boys in 76 at Pine knob and worked a few (Like the Doobie Brothers)
at a local concert venue.

My buddy dated a girl who's parents were the biggest promoters in Houston & we got to usher every show they promoted. We'd usher for about 10 mins then look for a good spot to see the show... we saw um all! Allman Bros, Santana & so on!


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