40 chevy 1/2 ton (first build)

Rat Rods Rule

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I can't see much there beyond the nut being past the hole in the spindle. If all else is right, a second washer may do the trick. I'd check to make sure everything is right with the installation. Right size bearings, etc. Where did the kit come from. You may want to check with the supplier.

Your truck is looking good. You are right to make sure its safe. [cl
As long as you used the washer with the tang in the washer hole, it probably wouldn't give any trouble. That said, I wouldn't run it this way at all.
Like Skip said, you can use another washer to space the nut out so the cotter pin will engage the castle nut right.
As long as the rotor turns with out contacting anything, the caliper and brake pads are centered over the rotor then, the spindle may be a little too long. Not an issue.
Thanks guys. Everything else seems fine and I ordered kit through classic parts. That’s the only issue I have with it.
new shop new shop new shop new shop!

washers will work, the castle nut on spindles isnt supposed to be any more that a little past finger tight, so getting extra washers will let you do that.
When everything is new, the torque should be 12 foot pounds or 144 inch pounds.
Don't back the nut off more than one flat to get the cotter pin in.
A few pics of the shop. The grass is pretty much completely filled in now and my truck in in the shop with project truck now. Thanks for the info. I’ve done wheel bearing before but never had this problem. Not sure but it may have been a spacer in the kit but not sure. Going to go check now. Got the kit a year ago.


Well I guess I should have looked a little better. It did have a spacer for each side for that. But I had dust cover caps for kingpins and bearing and bolts and washers and stuff all together in one box for a good while from moving stuff to shop. Didn’t see the spacers when I was putting it together the other day. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the info guys.


Been to long. Been working 20-30 hrs a week OT. Not a lot of time for anything. Then projects at the house when there is a free minute. But wife went on a girls trip a few hours away today til Tuesday, so I got out to the shop and pulled the engine and trans and did a little painting. I’ll change gaskets next and bolt trans back up. Trying to get time to get electrical ran to shop. Then cut floor out and build new one. Just glad to get something done for a change.