got the bed standing on its own. looks nice! after these pictures I added a third cross bar at the rear.
IMG_6722873 by Joe Doh, on Flickr
IMG_67672 by Joe Doh, on Flickr
IMG_6665 by Joe Doh, on Flickr
I had bought a set of bolts and nuts thinking I would slot the rectangle tube for the bolts and weld them in pointing down, so that the studs would find the holes instead of the bed slithering around trying to line everything up. well I couldnt find the bolts but I DID find the 1/2" all thread I bought when doing the motor move. I cut some chunks and drilled the bottom hole big enough for the all thread and the top hole just a 1/4" hole, then I tacked the all thread on the bottom and welded up the hole to the all thread on top. works perfect and this way I dont worry about the slots weakening the tube.
I also raised the seat risers (rised the risers..) in the front two inches. now the seats are more comfortable.
got the bed standing on its own. looks nice! after these pictures I added a third cross bar at the rear.

I had bought a set of bolts and nuts thinking I would slot the rectangle tube for the bolts and weld them in pointing down, so that the studs would find the holes instead of the bed slithering around trying to line everything up. well I couldnt find the bolts but I DID find the 1/2" all thread I bought when doing the motor move. I cut some chunks and drilled the bottom hole big enough for the all thread and the top hole just a 1/4" hole, then I tacked the all thread on the bottom and welded up the hole to the all thread on top. works perfect and this way I dont worry about the slots weakening the tube.
I also raised the seat risers (rised the risers..) in the front two inches. now the seats are more comfortable.