Well its been awhile since my last post. I think I was wiring the car then. All the work, the sweat and blood has been worth it, got to drive it for the first time this weekend. It runs good and track straight on the road.[cl
Still need to do some more work in the steering, takes a forty acre field to turn it in but by shortening the steering rod I think I can tighten it up some and solve that problem.
Thanks to all the guys who have gave me positive support on this build, I needed it more than you will ever know.
Thanks for the special guys who sent parts to a stranger just to help out a fellow rodder, big kado's to you.
I still have a few smal items to take care of but its just about at the final stage of the build after 2 1/2 years.
Again thanks to all.
Larry aka Ratcrazy