Well-known member
The second set of 02 sensors monitor the cats.are you going to use the stock computer?The good thing about the engine you are using is the aftermarket suppliers.what type rear suspension are you using.
sure wish I had your kind of time to work on things......
it absolutely frustrates the bajeebees out of me to get into the barn and only have a limited amount of time to do something....I know every hour counts but you can barely get started on something and it's time to quit....I want a day or at least 4 or 5 hours to work.....anything less seems futile....I don't know if anyone else thinks this way but DR you don't seem to mind that....I envy your ability to do just frustrates the crap out of me....
A lot of times when I have limited time I just try to focus on one small area, or a bit of research I need to do on this or that...
just pick something small to work on if you only have a small amount of time, even if its just planning something out, draw something up or write it down, its something accomplished!
just think if you go down and just do 40 min or an hour on something pretty soon it is done. If you say "It is only an hour I will do something else until I get the time" you will never get it done. you have to ask yourself "Self, do I attempt to throw the entire pile of stones at one time and fail or do I toss 2 stones every day and succeed?" [cl
Nice find! Can't help on the bumper caps.
I'm sure most don't think the power stuff should be on a rat, but to each their own, and I'm diggin this road less traveled theme... as a matter of fact, if I can fit it, it'll have AC too [ddd
I say if you got it, use it.