I would put the secondary carb linkage back in the top hole like in the first picture.
that gives you the largest ratio of movement before the secondary's start to open,
back off both "open" and "close" collars to start with, with the linkage in the top hole, have some one push the gas pedal all the way to the floor and hold it there. manually open the secondary's and adjust the rear(opening) collar up against the secondary pivot. this will co-ordinate all carbs full throttle at the same time. now have the person take their foot off the pedal completely, and set the safety closing collar to about 1/8" clearance to the secondary pivot.
now you should have about 3/4 throttle on the primary carb and still get full throttle on the floor.
close the 4 end carb idle screws, only center carb should be used to set idle speed and mixture richness. leave power valves in secondary carbs, they should not be a problem.
make sure all 4 throttle plates are centered and tightly closed on secondary carbs or they will FU your idle adjustments.
using lighter springs on the weights in the distributer. shoot for having the timing fully advanced by 2800-3000 rpm, set it to as much total advance as you can without pinging under load. should be 36-42degrees total. SBC's looooove advance early. use a vacuum advance pot that needs high vac numbers to move the advance plate. later model vac units move and stay advanced at way too low vac numbers and cause pinging under medium throttle loads. I bought one from moroso that was adjustable through the vacuum hose port. vacuum advance should be connected to manifold vacuum source.
these changes should put you in the 20 mpg area, I did it with a 4500 lb. pickup with a turbo 350c and 3.08 gears.