Sometimes life gets a little difficult. I was typing on the RRR and my screen announced it was going to sleep. Then I smelled that acrid odor of electrical parts burning. Smoke curled out of the grill. Finally took it to the shop and it needs a power supply.
Took a shower and the water went from the upstairs to the main level tub. Oh oh, a septic system problem? Yes, I dug through four feet of snow to expose the tank lids. Both tanks full. Checked the lift station and repaired an electrical connection. The pump runs but water and other stuff from the house takes a long time to
make the journey. We have made adjustments like, I go to the local home improvement store to go Number Two. Boy, they got upset when I sat on a display model.
Things are not going well on the roof cap. Sorry,no pics as I am using an iPad and don't have a clue about posting them.
Had to remove the joint compound as it would not harden because I applied it to thick. Switched to Bondo. For the bulk of the build up. Laid up one layer of glass and it remained too flexible. Bonded the foam core to the back but it did not stick well. Switched to polyester resin and it is okay. The whole works is still too flexible so I laid more glass on top. Now waiting for it to set up. All hope of having a nice textured fiberglass surface are gone as there are too many imperfections. It will need filler and sanding.
Still not sure it will even work.
Gotta go bail out the laundry tub. She just washed clothes.