Blue Eyed Devil
Devil's Advocate
I think you have to face facts, this is a global market any more, and products are made other places, and our products go over there too. Just the way it is.
I'm going to have a rare disagreement with you there Don. The global market reasoning is absurd. The reason products are made other places is because the American people allow it to happen. Laziness, greed and apathy cannot be excused by calling it a global market. While it may currently be "the way it is", that is no excuse to not change it. If things like this are not brought to light we cannot expect to grow as or retain any shred of sovereignty as a nation.
While I don't necessarily agree with taking the flags without immediately replacing them, I do know that as a Veteran I would be none too happy about a Chinese flag placed above my grave, whether it "looked" like an American flag or not. Those men dedicated to their lives to the welfare of Americans, and to place a flag over their body made by an enemy of this nation is pretty disrespectful. I am going to hope that whoever did it was unaware of the flag's origin of manufacture, but that just goes to show how diligent we the people need to be. This is OUR country, and unless we are proactive in it's defense then we are only sentencing ourselves to a "global market".
No hard feeling here, just a different perspective. End rant...