Simply because the vets under those flags would've thought is was disrespectful to have a foreign made flag flying over their graves is my only thought on this. Nothing about the "world trade market" even enters the picture there. The flag is supposed to represent the greatest nation in the world in my mind, but sadly, anymore Im not so sure that is true. Surely, it still beats the alternatives available! I'm not even sure if most people know anymore that a disgraced flag is supposed to be destroyed, ones that touch the ground. We're not supposed to fly the flag during the rain either but how many have you seen taken in when it rains??? As far as the greatest nation, well, look around. Certainly we have things that many people don't have around the rest of the world but man, open your eyes gents, we're giving it all away....We certainly aren't the richest nation can we be rich, being trillions in debt. Seems like I remember that when your finances are in the hole, your broke! I'm afraid we're broke! Broken in ways that maybe we can't be fixed....we'll see!
I'm also one of those people that try to spend my money on local merchandise but hey, anymore, is it really doing any good when you spend your money down at the local store, run by foreigners? The little dink town I have local has 3 stores that offer things such as gas and groceries. Two of them are run by Pakistanis and the Dollar General (commonly known as our new mini-mall) is fairly new to the area here but who knows who actually owns that chain. It hurts me down to deep to admit that some of my belongings were purchased because I was poor enough to have to buy stuff made in other countries because that was the only way I could get the job done at the time. Even when I grind the word "CHINA" off the tools, it still leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth to know I had to go that route.
I will be the first to admit, I stand behind anybody here that has an opinion on these matters because we all have the right to feel the way we do about anything! We also have the right to speak openly about our concerns...."rights" may be the real issue! Those dead servicemen and women fought for our rights! Now lets get on to important matters....that 3rd one bathroom to the public, take the signs down, make them single occupancy.....on and on....