Amber alert!!!

Rat Rods Rule

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Please stand by.......
Mar 7, 2014
West by God Virginia
Mr. and Mrs. Donsrods child has been missing for over a month
if anyone has information to there where abouts or well being of
Donsrods please contact this forum and let those who care know....
thank you....
Tried reaching out to Don before we left on our trip a few weeks ago
with no response. just concerned, and hoping all is well..........[S
wow....that must be the single worst thing to happen to any parent :(
wish you all the strenght in the world brutha
Maybe he and Sgt Pontiac went fishing together and forgot to come back. Both have been missing for awhile.
Maybe I was a little strong....donsrod ( is a 71yr old child)
again my since of humor bites back....sorry.....:eek:

:eek: pfff.... now that`s too funny LMAO!! [cl early in the morning here, I guess too early for my swiss cheese brain :D:D:D
There have been times when his computer went down so I'm guessing that might be it! He's always been a serial poster here & several other sites but still hope all is good with him!

Well he was working on a Mustang so maybe he has driven off into the crowd so to speak...:D
Thanks for worrying about me , guys, I'm still alive ! :D Todd sent me a PM on the HAMB (I haven't been visiting there much lately either) and said you guys were asking about me.

Yep, I have been working A LOT on the Mustang project, going to the shop right after work and staying really late. It has turned into more of a project than I thought it would be, new cars have SO MANY systems that older cars don't. For the past month or so I have been doing this every night, and everything else has taken a back seat.

I was able to get the parts 2004 GT stripped down completely and cut the body up so I could put it in our dumpster (bet the garbage men got a surprise when they flipped that dumpster over on top of the truck and heard a very loud bang as the body dropped into the back !):eek:

Then, I completed disassembled the V6 car down to the bare shell so Dan and I can start welding in the subframe connectors and the roll cage. I have been going through all the parts from both cars, keeping the best ones and trashing the ones I don't need. Now I can start painting all the parts and have them ready to reinstall after the car is painted.

I have also been going through the 4.6 V8 motor, replacing every gasket, hose, water pump, pulleys, belts, etc so that it should not need any repairs for a while. Got it all cleaned up and painted too. Looks pretty good.

So, thanks for worrying about me. I should have some more time now to visit here because the hard work is behind me (I think).

Don you know without pics none of that really happened:rolleyes: Glad you are back, when you get to be our age and disappear for a month people begin to think you have wandered off.:D
Good to hear from you Don! Us Florida boys made a poor showing for a fellow member all the way down here from "west by God Virginia". Brad aka forbigpicture, I hope next time to be able to hook up while you're down.
Nope.....not with me....

Maybe he and Sgt Pontiac went fishing together and forgot to come back. Both have been missing for awhile.

I'm here....just trying to mend this darn knee....was off work 2 months...did nothing....back to work but on desk duty till ???? ...retirement I believe...had to get out and do something....other than feel sorry for myself... but this has been dragging on way to long...but won't bore ya with the details....
Nope...haven't seen Donsrods...

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