Got Fins?
This is actually one of the reasons I decided on a more modern powerplant, however the goal will be to run it on an alternative fuel as well, no gasoline or diesel...
most is hype. say you drive 100 miles a week @ 16mpg. At $3.75/Gal it will cost yo $23.43 to do it. same distance and mileage @ $4/ gal will cost you $25. So for all the hype and whining it comes down too just $1.57 more to do the same thing you are already doing. I'm not staying home for a meer $1.57 how about you?[S
@ 10 Mpg it comes out to be a $2.50 difference for every 100 miles driven. So that 400 mile trip is $10 more. Lame if you stay home. Sell some of those old clothes you got and go!