are fuel prices gonna kill peoples cruising and car show participation this year?

Rat Rods Rule

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This is actually one of the reasons I decided on a more modern powerplant, however the goal will be to run it on an alternative fuel as well, no gasoline or diesel...
most is hype. say you drive 100 miles a week @ 16mpg. At $3.75/Gal it will cost yo $23.43 to do it. same distance and mileage @ $4/ gal will cost you $25. So for all the hype and whining it comes down too just $1.57 more to do the same thing you are already doing. I'm not staying home for a meer $1.57 how about you?[S

@ 10 Mpg it comes out to be a $2.50 difference for every 100 miles driven. So that 400 mile trip is $10 more. Lame if you stay home. Sell some of those old clothes you got and go!

Thats a very good point. Recycling a bag of aluminum cans will make up that difference
drive less

Since the weather broke early in michigan, to save a little on fuel I have been strapped to my bike and today I took the wifes to work. I drive a full size dodge truck and my wife has her V-8 Volvo so we save were we can so we can still drive the A. I filled my bike for 12.50 and filled hers for 8.25 today.:D
This mid 70's stuff is crazy!!!

Scares me a bit as I'm curious what we can expect down the road..?? Time will tell.....problem is the darn yard and lawn work is starting WAY TOO SOON!!!!!!!
Fuel prices cut out most of my cruising/swap meet/car show participation several years ago. I made a good portion of the Texas swap meets in 2006, and the Turkey run in 06 & 07. I went to a couple of the Dallas/Fort Worth area meets in 2009 - 2010 but after that my participation has been nill.
I don't like paying more at the pump, but I agree it doesn't really make that much difference,I don't drive any less, just pay a little DD is a 1 ton dodge with the Cummins in it..A year ago it would cost me $90+ to fill it up, now its running about $105 or so..I'm still going to go where I want to go..
Yep.....I agree...

Kid just picked up a 99 7.3 Ford crew a hypertech programmer and has this thing up to 22 to 23mpg...heck the wifes flex only get a mpg more..and his is 8500lbs..

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