Are people basically good or bad

Rat Rods Rule

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are people (strangers) basically good or bad

  • basically good

    Votes: 32 82.1%
  • basically bad

    Votes: 7 17.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I think you have to establish a collective base line for what's basically good or basically bad, before you can ever get a clear score.
Take for instance, different parts of our country have different levels of what is considered good or bad.
If I were in a group of murders and I refused to commit murder but, I would cut the leg off a dog to them I would possibly be viewed as good (same goes for any group)
Here's one, in a group of liars if I could out lie everyone, they would say boy he's a good liar. (to me this is a oxymoron)
Now on the other hand, if I were in a group of animal lovers and would not stop to get an animal off the road then I'd be considered bad.
The idea of being good or bad is every persons own perception of either.
Shoot I confused myself besides, I had to look up the word dichotomy :eek:
All this being said, I voted basically good
Jeremia 17:9 .."The heart is deceitful above all things & desparately wicked."

You know that children must be disciplined and corrected by their parents or they will grow up to be big trouble. We are naturally evil and must keep ourselves in control or we are capable of any horrible act. Do you know anyone that hasn't "let you down" or hurt your feelings at one point, even loved ones?
Hah! Fuzz, the thread killer. Just kidding F-man.

Been thinking about this question a lot the last couple days. It's easy to expand the original proposition and discuss good and bad, or good and evil at length.
Limiting the discussion to the proposition E-man presented, I believe a large percentage of the population in this country would do the right thing.

The nature of news is we hear all about the horrors visited on people and seldom hear about good deeds.

I recognize that much evil exists in the world. But there is way more kindness, helpfulness and sacrifice for others.

The ongoing, nagging question I can't answer satisfactorily for myself is; how do apparently "normal" people "flip" or change or become brainwashed (frequently quite easily) and commit horrible acts?
I would like to make a comment myself here. I have sold and solicited door to door for different things and met hundreds of people at their front door. 2 were rude.
I believe that most are basically good. Whether its the fear of getting caught that keeps them that way I have no idea. I do however take precautions that are contrary to my beliefs ;)

from a christian view, theologically speaking, all people are born with an inherited sin nature-which means all people are basically evil...however when one views society as a whole, most people act civilized to some degree, and have some standard of morals, so if based on observations alone, most would assume people to be basically good...the remarks of Sam actually reinforce both of these premises, (sorry to drag you into this SAm -lol) that most people behave fairly well, but have the potential to do almost anything evil-this is proven time and time again when "good" people do "bad" things.... we are all capable of it... -even preachers;)

****disclaimer: The views of this Baptist preacher are not necessarily the views of RRR or any other member of RRR and are not meant to confuse anyone, or force religion upon anyone, these statements are for the purpose of shedding light upon the poll at hand. Thanks, HRP:D
People are naturally neither good nor evil...they are naturally animals.

Now **** sapiens have a dual physical nature apart from any spiritual component. Our software has the capacity to transcend our hardware.
animal follows instinct. it fulfills it's desire. the desire and instinct of the individual and of the species as evolution has determined by a process of elimination.

we are all born the same with the capacity to be man or animal.
man rules over animal
And men who are a product of their own logic discipline and determination rule over men who are a product of their environment.

It explains why people who live as animals hate people who live as men but also how people who live as men are not offended by the hate of those who live as animals because animal is below man and man being of a higher order of being cares not what the animal thinks feels or want.

Man thinks his way through life because he is enlightened and can see
Animal feels his way along because he is blind

This does not address good and evil it only explains those who live by their nature versus those who transcend their nature and become a higher order of being...
But while those who have become enlightened and have transcended their nature are fundamentally changed, they are not born again.

For becoming a creature of you own determination makes you a higher order of being it does not address your spirit self. it is only a carnal evolution and does not make you a better person just a more powerful being.

To become justified before God and one must become born again.

Take an hour and listen to Dr lester Roloff
The greatest sermon I've ever heard on sin law and grace and being born again.
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There's a thread on another site where a guy rants because his neighbor said his car was too loud, it has straight pipes. Most of the replies tell him to get mufflers and be neighborly. Now I gonna have to change my response, most people try to be good.

The ones that told him to tell his neighbor to pound sand or get even..........

One of the responses was, "Every neighborhood has one A.H., if you don't know who, it's you!". I like that one.........
You're way to hard on yourself!!!

I'm not sure....I think I fall into the a$$hole category and there's no button for that one. [S

After being called A$$Ho-- a few hundred times, then you might want to rethink it, but until then, you (like me) are simply a self centered, egotistical, errogant, narsasistic, jerk.....Just kidding... you are not a jerk...LOL[cl
Remember, just kidding.... Right?:eek:
The problem with this poll [no offence Eman] is that we're all bad but in denial so we check the "mostly good" box so we won't feel guilty. Did you ever cheat on you taxes? cheat on your wife or girl friend? ever bring something home from work that belongs to th boss? How about exceeding the speed limit, pass on the right, flip someone off?? exagerate a story to make sound just a bit better?? Get my drift???;)
Now we're getting into a whole new topic!!

The problem with this poll [no offence Eman] is that we're all bad but in denial so we check the "mostly good" box so we won't feel guilty. Did you ever cheat on you taxes? cheat on your wife or girl friend? ever bring something home from work that belongs to th boss? How about exceeding the speed limit, pass on the right, flip someone off?? exagerate a story to make sound just a bit better?? Get my drift???;)

Does a lie of any kind..big or little....make you a bad person??? Boy could this lead to some long winded responses..... Bet Hot Rod Preacher has some comments about this one....[P (by the way, I didn't feel a bit guilty about checking mostly good).....:D cause I am...MOSTLY...