Do you feel they would be more likely to help you or take advantage of you if you were incapacitated and no one else were around.Please comment.
Ummmm... does that include if the keys to your hot rod were laying within easy reach?!?
Do you feel they would be more likely to help you or take advantage of you if you were incapacitated and no one else were around.Please comment.
I would say that people from the 50's and 60's were basically good. Nowadays, people are in a such a rush, this translates into rude.
I would like to make a comment myself here. I have sold and solicited door to door for different things and met hundreds of people at their front door. 2 were rude.
I'm not sure....I think I fall into the a$$hole category and there's no button for that one. [S
The problem with this poll [no offence Eman] is that we're all bad but in denial so we check the "mostly good" box so we won't feel guilty. Did you ever cheat on you taxes? cheat on your wife or girl friend? ever bring something home from work that belongs to th boss? How about exceeding the speed limit, pass on the right, flip someone off?? exagerate a story to make sound just a bit better?? Get my drift???