I was listening to Art Bell one night.
He had on a guest who is a paranormal psychologist.
Now normally my reaction is "great, another fortune teller. sometimes I get annoyed by these spiritualists, UFO and bigfoot experts that didn't get an education and somehow became a doctor of whatever ******** they made up"
Well, I got to listening to the guy and right or wrong he made sense.
He actually did have a doctorate and studied ghosts, poltergeists, hauntings, possessions exorcisms etc...
What I remember the most was his dissertation on possessions and demons.
He said the world of evil has it's own hierarchy of power and authority much the same as the world of the saints.
He was asked if people are possessed by demons and related that the spirits doing the possessions really don't like being called demons.
Demons are lower on the totem pole.
He said (as I have read from the bible and the apocrypha) that there are the fallen angels who fell with Satan and there was another group of fallen angels who fell when they abandoned their first estate to take up daughters of men as wives.
To get you up to speed Imma give a quick lesson
from Enoch. Moses's grandfather we learn the angel Sêmîazâz compels the other 199 fallen angels to take human wives to "beget us children"
"And Azâzêl taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjâzâ taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, Armârôs the resolving of enchantments, Barâqîjâl, taught astrology, Kôkabêl the constellations, Ezêqêêl the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiêl the signs of the earth, Shamsiêl the signs of the sun, and Sariêl the course of the moon."
The children of the angels and humans we called the nephillim. They have the immortal souls of the angels incarnate in physical long lived but mortal bodies.
Humans on the contrary have souls that continue on but know not and think not as they sleep in death awaiting the resurrection.
When a Nephillim dies it's soul retains it's consciousness and is set loose in the world. The souls of the Nephillim are the source of bad things reaching our world from the other side.
Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabriel appeal to God to judge the inhabitants of the world and the fallen angels. Uriel is then sent by God to tell Noah of the coming cataclysm and what he needs to do.
God gave Gabriel instructions concerning the Nephillim and the imprisonment of the fallen angels:
I'm not an expert on all the different kinds of spirits, I haven't studied theology and occult in a long long time.
The Spiritual Psychologist on Art Bell was talking about these dis incarnate spirits of the Nephillim possessing people. he said there is a hairarchy of fallen angels over the Nephillim spirits and also lesser spirits which once had the choice to become living beings through birth but forake the opportunity.
He said the reasons for possession aren't just to make war with God and turn people from the right path by increasing evil in the world but also for these spirits to once again exist within the flesh they once had (or the flesh they chose not to take on)
He said when a person is possessed by these spirits the spirit's aganda is to drag the person down a path of self destruction.
According to the bible these spirits have no hope for salvation. Only man does.
Now some spirits just want to experience life again or experience the life they never had.
The guy was saying some of these spirits are trying to hitch a ride through death back to heaven from which they were shut off.
This is why they drag the person through self destruction into death.
he calls them "Malevolent Inhuman Spirits" to set them apart from the lost souls, and fallen angels who are just stuck forever shut off from God but not making war with God or doing evil on man.
He said make no mistake, when you open a door to these spirits. They have been shut off from God but know God. They crave what they knew but no longer have. They will deceive you to get what they want.
There are many ways possession begins.
At a level beyond the physical, your mind is a jewel. It is liquid and formless when you are young, It becomes spherical as you grow an identity, and it crystallizes into a multi faceted jewel which are the multiple facets of your personality.
This is why children are so impressionable and adults are so set in their ways
These facets allow a human to have different thought forms cooperate within the mind in a creative process or the human can resolve conflict within himself so that he need not resolve too much conflict with others. It's the committee in your head.
Children are born innocent with some innate knowledge of right and wrong. Not that they won't do wrong but they are not held accountable because they have not made the choice to do wrong with a developed mind knowing right from wrong. A child's person is created as a single identity. It's God's protection on the child from it's creation.
In the occult, Extreme stress and abuse is employed to create an alternate personality within the person. One which is not under the control of the person's will.
Remember it is will that makes people like God in his image, and it is what you do with will that makes you guilty or innocent. Those without will are neither guilty or innocent. they are animal and spirits can inhabit animals at will much more easily than people.
When the occultists split a person's personality, they call it "The splitting of the gem"
the first split in a persons personality is the strongest. The mind can be split into multiple personalities much in the way a mind of a single personality can develop multiple facets.
The only difference is in a normal person there is one identity in control. The damaged mind has lost control over part of itself.
The CIA has done experimentation with stress and drugs to split personalities as evidenced in the manchurian candidate scenario.
They actually did mind control experiments on many people.
With the CIA the purposes are to create a second personality under the control of the handler. it's beyond hypnotism.
The 2nd personality may be required to perform duties concealed from the consciousness of the original personality of the individual. Training allows the handler to bring forth the hidden personality at will, the individual usually thinks they just fell asleep while their body is out and about serving the agenda of the handler.
With the CIA the goal is to create a secret agent that can hide within the body of a person no-one would suspect and if caught the second personality can commit a self destructive act that the original personality would never perform, or a person working with top level security can be brainwashed to forget everything they knew through the control personality thereby keeping secrets.