bin laden bull poop

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Well-known member
Sep 2, 2009
Anyone here that there bursting the seals nads over the way Bin laden and his crew was killed??

Wat a crock! Im bout sick of these bleeding heart namby pamby wimps thats makin our country a safe haven for terrorist, pedaphiles and anyone else who wanders in with issues.

I say thumbs up on there job. He deserved wat he got and he got off easy in my book. Start killin these people in town square like in the old days and this crap wont happen near as much. Just my .02. RR
I for one say good job seals,Now that the *!@#$% is graveyard dead let's move on to the next one there are plenty left. I'll leave it at that ..Chip
Mr. Obama did exactly what he said he'd do when he was campaining.

"We will KILL Osama Bin Laden"

He didn't say we'll catch him & send him to trial

He didn't say we'd knock on his door and ask him to surrender.

He didn't say we bake him a pie and ask him to play nice

He said we kill him PERIOD.

Thank you Mr. President, thank you Navy S.E.A.L. team
Don't get me started. "TRUE" AMERICANS made this happen. Obama did nothing but give the orders. They could have been given by any idiot with power and the right to make the decision. The true, devoted, passionate, genuine, and REAL AMERICANS killed osama and could have been done years ago, but the American public is to blind to see that killing bin laden (I refuse to capitalize his name) is more important than the newest episode of dancing with the stars or american idol.

I LOVE America and always will................. but at the moment I couldn't be more ****ed off and disgusted will the so called American people that has their head so far up their ass they don't know up from down. America IS slowly becoming a communist country. We are breaking records of "bad economy" that were previously set in the great depression and the only priority of the majority of America (it seems) is that we weren't respectful or reasonable with how bin laden was taken out.


It really ****es me off when WE, America, does something great to help the world to be a better place and you have some jackasses like the Apache Indians BITCHING about they want an apology because the people who risk their lives for our freedom happened to use the code name name GERONIMO for bin laden! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You got it kelseydum. Those whiny ******* should be boiled in oil and thrown into a pit. Screw them all.

I don't usually give a rat poop about any of them but it burns my ass thinking about all the innocent people that died in the twin towers and the 3,000+ military personal that paid the ultimate price to protect their sorry little *****. As far as the Apaches are concerned my wife is part Native American and she says screw them.
That's BS, Kelsey. Sure, the CIA and Seals, plus a lot of other departments played a major role in getting this done, but let's not minimize the fact that Obama took some political and personal risks by making a very brave decision to do it. Just because you may not care for him don't let that cloud your ability to see that he did the right thing and was willing to take a lot of heat for it from his critics and our allies. Plus, he had the class to not put himself in the limelight over this, but instead spoke many times about the Seals, CIA, and even his predecessor, GW Bush, and gave him credit too. That took a very big man to do that.

As for the bleeding hearts, I am up to here with them. Osama sure as hell didn't worry if the innocent people in the towers or on those planes were armed, so why should we care if he was armed? I hope he was brushing his teeth and those rounds hurt like hell when the Seal fired them. I would hate to think he died easily and quickly. :mad:

The trouble, is when a country promises free speech and equal rights for all, the right to protest, the right to bear arms, the rights to demand anything you want, the right to protest anything and everything, there will always be that minority who abuse the very freedoms those rights are there to preserve.

Nobody is specifically to blame for the way the world is going, but you can't have your cake AND eat it, you can't have ALL the freedoms/rights in the world, AND be totally secure from nutters and psychos at the same time.

Basically, you can't keep all the people happy all of the time.
Pat on the back to President Busch and the Military for doing what it takes to get things done, To bad Obama and his crony's get the 15 mins in the spot light and all the Disinformation about killing osoma, but hay lets not spike the foot ball.
Pat on the back to President Busch and the Military for doing what it takes to get things done...

BS...Bush and Bill Clinton should both get a big old Toby Keith BOOT in the $$ for NOT taking Bin Laden out.

Clinton had him offered up on a silver platter in 1996 by the Pres. of Sudan

Bush bungled it on at least two occasions.

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
- G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

"I am truly not that concerned about him."
- G.W. Bush, repsonding to a question about bin Laden's whereabouts,
3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)

Don't try to spin history...learn from it.

BTW - I voted for BOTH Bush(1st time) & Obama. Both presidents followed through on thier true thoughts about Bin Laden. I like Obama's results better. Bush talked a great game, Obama plays a great game.
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Altho the "Author" is unknown,
I would love to shake their hand !

Now I lay me down to sleep...
one less terrorist this world does keep...
with all my heart I give my thanks...
to those in uniform regardless of ranks...
you serve our country and serve it well...
with humble hearts your stories tell...
so as I rest my weary eyes...
while freedom rings our flag still flies...
you give your all, do what you must...
with God we live and God we trust...
Don, it's not that I don't care for Obama, it's that I don't believe a word any recent political figure says. I said, any commander in chief could have made that order; it just happens that Obama was the one to do it. I'm glad he did it, but it I bet it was much easier to watch the sting operation from a comfy rent free mansion on a 50" plasma while the real heroes risk their lives.

... and now he won't release the death photos. Obviously he thinks the American people are just too sensitive to handle something like that....... although I do remember watching an American Construction worker get his f-ing head cut off by those ******* hiding behind their masks. Oh yeah, I also remember watching the twin towers collapse and people jumping out of buildings on live tv.

I'm tired of my government treating me with kid gloves.
.... I said, any commander in chief could have made that order; it just happens that Obama was the one to do it.

He did not "just happen" to give the order any more than the S.E.A.L team member "just happened" to pull the trigger. That's pretty weak.

I do agree that we shouldn't be "protected" from reality. I think one of the biggest reasons we got out of VeitNam was seeing the War everynight on T.V.

We should have had that kind of visibiity in during this whole mess. Sure we saw the fireworks over bagdad and the video game like pics of surgical strikes. What the American people should have seen was the reality of our actions DEAD U.S service men & women, DEAD Iraqie people men, women, children that had nothing to do with any of this. No we clean it all us, call it collateral damage and tie up wil a nice bow.

I also agree with you comment about phoning in the war from the safety of the command center. In anceint times the king lead his troops into battle. Watch how fast we have world peace if world leaders were actually at risk themselves.

I also agree about npt trusting goverment this whole War for Oil (and minerals) is a perfect example of how we are lied to.
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