boring scene

Rat Rods Rule

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Fascinated by rolling objects!
Jul 8, 2007
Tempe AZ on the corner of Oak and Southern
Got to thinking, i haven't seen a cool car parked in a drive-in in years. Except for actual cruise nites. The last drive-in here where you could expect to see cool rides hanging out just about any nite of the week closed in the '70's! So it was a nice evening and i decided to park at Ted's hot dogs and get a hangout started. It's gonna be a loooong wait. :(
There is one two blocks from my house called "Suzie Q's". Its the first place Im going once the truck is finished. I refuse to go at all till I have something cool to drive. Every once in awhile you will see a bunch of guys go there in vintage metal.
We don't really have any Drive-in Diners but we have three Drive-in theaters that I frequent every Friday night and some of my buddies have started going as well. We all line up in one row and it's amazing all the people that come by to check out our cars.
When i was young there were kids cruising the main streets in many small towns, larger cities might have several drive ins where the cool cars would be.
Kansas City had three. Everyone just made the rounds. It was fun. What happened?
Be careful not to get a ticket for lottering.LOL We have a Sonic but never hardly see any old cars there.
There have even been attempts at hot rod themed burger joints here but those didn't last. Part of it i contribute to the transiency of this city. Few people actually grew up here or have roots and connections. Many are (were) moving here all the time but %50 soon go back where they came from .A city of strangers and scared to talk to their neighbors.
The city of Mesa is allowing a cruise night once a month on Main st. in their desperate effort to keep the downtown alive. When the weather is PERFECT a lot of great cars show up never to be seen again until the next month IF the weather is PERFECT. Years ago cruising in Mesa on the weekend was something to be seen to believed. :) Cars from everywhere until the city realized they could just put up no parking signs and that killed the ability to see and be seen. Funny the city now looks the other way one Saturday night a month. I mean really look the other way :rolleyes: I need to post a video of those smoky burnouts on the city street. :)
city council

in all the towns around here the city council got together and banned all criusing. creates problems and traffic jams, so they said to us.....NO M0RE CRUlSING!!!.... big tickets and hassled by the cops if ya even try. the only ones are the organized shows that get pre-approved by the city.


the last good cruz-in was at a place called kings. in 1983 was on a saturday night and it was called " last fling at kings", then they tore it down to make a supermarket.:( :mad:

There are a few cruise ins around here on friday and saturday nights. Good tuen outs of everything. Its nice to walk around and check out the rides and talk with people but I miss just crusing around and hearing the cars not sitting in a parking lot hearing loud radios. Back in the 80's, everyone would cruise the Cumberland avenue strip thru thr UT campus. It was onlt 2-3 miles long,4 lanes but it would take 20-30 minitues to make one pass and it would be packed with nice muscle cars, hot rods..... Now there are signs that sau NO CRUISING :(. UT was worried it would mess up the football program,I wish. [ddev
I guess the once a month cruise down in So. Cal in the S.F.V. is Van Nuys Blvd. It use to be the going thing when I was cruisin' and I guess some of the guys over at .... well, you know the site , have resurrected the cruise and it seems that it is doing pretty good. We used to be on the Blvd. every Wed., Fri. and Sat. night.
We don't really have any Drive-in Diners but we have three Drive-in theaters that I frequent every Friday night and some of my buddies have started going as well. We all line up in one row and it's amazing all the people that come by to check out our cars.

id really love to open a drive-in theater - id never been until i
was in Utah - and it was fantastic...
Never got to make it there Lightning but Van Nays blvd on a Wednesday night was legendary! I read all about it in Life magazine!

Yep Colton in the 'ol days you could have the time of your life at the drive in movie even if all you had was a couple of buddies and a case of beer :D
When i was young there were kids cruising the main streets in many small towns, larger cities might have several drive ins where the cool cars would be.
Kansas City had three. Everyone just made the rounds. It was fun. What happened?
yeah last i was there a year ago, my dad informed me they closed the last one. i was going to take my kids to the drive in....
we need to bring em back!
Lots of stuff we did as kids are illegal now--maybe its the times we are in..

Or maybe ask the kids in the Sonics--They might be actually doing what we did, we just can't see it??

It sure seems dull to me.. But lots of 'hangin out' back when, was just waiting for something to happen.

ant that the sign of the times ,... they have all but outlawed cruzen and "hanging out".. but made pot legal W.T.F happened!!!
Well if most kids are growing up in the suburbs like I did...the cops killed the scene. Bored suburban cops with no real crime to fight so they pick on any sub-30 yr old driving anything but a tan Accord.

Cruising is just asking to get pulled over and hassled, ticketed for car being too low, too loud, etc. So they hang out in places not visible to officer jellygut.

Oh and video games have not helped either :(

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