Older, Wiser and Still Buildin'
OK....bit confused on that....
thought you'd want the water to collect in the drop?? Thats why the drops have drains..?? Used black pipe, flex line from compressor to pipe....isn't twenty feet to first drop but is over 20 to second.... I'd have to see that L shape drop thing you're talking about...and a bit better description of who that works.....[S
I work in industrial maintance field. was always told to use black steel pipe. Galvanize pipe can flake off and clogg things up. put your first drop about 20 feet of pipe away from compressor to allow air to cool (less moisture) at your drops use a t fitting with the t facing straight up and then make a L shaped drop it will help keep water out of the drop.
thought you'd want the water to collect in the drop?? Thats why the drops have drains..?? Used black pipe, flex line from compressor to pipe....isn't twenty feet to first drop but is over 20 to second.... I'd have to see that L shape drop thing you're talking about...and a bit better description of who that works.....[S