chop? or not chop? that is the question.

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Nov 23, 2009
tempe AZ
i just came across the project i have been looking for. this, in my opinion, looks the best chopped and on the ground. only one problem, the car is sooooo rust free and original i am having a hard time bringing myself to do it. it even runs. its is a 1931 ford tudor sedan. i posted other pics in another thread but i think this is the right place to decide where to go next. i chopped my other project, 36 ford pu which is now gone, and i know this one would be easier. not scared of the work just wondering if its worth more original or the way i want it to be. what do you think?

I have the same issue with my 42 Ford truck cab. It is in very nice condition and I'm not wanting to chop it. I figure, after I get it built and run it for a bit, I might get a wild hair and chop it.

If you bought it as an investment then put it in climate controlled storage until you reach retirement age then sell it. It'll prolly be woth more than you 401k. But if you bought it to build a Hot Rod then chop it. [cl By the way your pictures are little red Xs...

Or bring it to my place and I'll do it for you.

I thought about this once or twice myself and then always say "It's just a car"
After the first cut is done it's easy.

Just say no to stock roof lines!

Remember it's your car and it's not worth spit if you don't like it.

Lightspeed Mike
sorry about that. here are some pics. okay also another question. the wood up in the roof is shot all the way around. the kit is almost $400. its not that that im cheap, ok maybe a little, but does anyone know where i can get the measurements and make it myself?
440clark- i traded the 36 for this sweet mazda miata. miata doesnt run or drive and had been hit by a train but i still think that guy got taken[ddev
I say be different. When was the last time you saw a stock bodied one that had more modern drivetrain? Think hotrod/sleeper. I like the look of them chopped but you almost never see them done stock bodied with fenders. All that said it is your car and do what you want. I would have a stock bodied hotrod though. I hate to say it but it has been overdone IMO kind of like a '55 Chevy 2 door post being made into a gasser. They look cool but kind of give up alot of comfort and drivability for most people. Awesome car though, no matter what you do. I will get off my soap box now.
Leave it as is, rusty, full fenders, no chop, and rework the rest. Drive it and see what you think about a chop later. I like the idea of a sleeper jalopy.
leave it!!

If I found a car in that good of shape I would leave it the way it is. Just lower it a little and paint it. I know I know we are into rat rods here but thats such a nice original car.

Slammed tudors that are chopped a crazy amount look good. I plan to chop & channel mine. but be differant and leave it. you can always chop it later. Buts its harder to unchop it.

I love the look of this car. all stock and lowered[dr


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I say be different. When was the last time you saw a stock bodied one that had more modern drivetrain? Think hotrod/sleeper. I like the look of them chopped but you almost never see them done stock bodied with fenders. All that said it is your car and do what you want. I would have a stock bodied hotrod though. I hate to say it but it has been overdone IMO kind of like a '55 Chevy 2 door post being made into a gasser. They look cool but kind of give up alot of comfort and drivability for most people. Awesome car though, no matter what you do. I will get off my soap box now.

FINALLY SOMEBODY WHO GETS IT!! Thanks 42chevy!! [cl

I must be one of the most conservative rat rod enthusiasts in the country because I say DON'T CHOP IT! Sorry to say it but all the chopped tops are turning rat rods into just another cookie cutter hot rod. I'm seriously bored with chopped tops! Be different and leave it alone! You'll be the one that stands out among all the rest. Especially since you've got such a good car to start with, it deserves it's original lines.


Stop before you chop!! :D
If I found a car in that good of shape I would leave it the way it is. Just lower it a little and paint it. I know I know we are into rat rods here but thats such a nice original car.

Slammed tudors that are chopped a crazy amount look good. I plan to chop & channel mine. but be differant and leave it. you can always chop it later. Buts its harder to unchop it.

I love the look of this car. all stock and lowered[dr

I agree with you, and no I'm not a HAMBER but on something thats not a old rusted out car thats already on its way to being a rat rod, I'd be inclined to leave it, theres plenty of good rat rod material out there without chopping up nice rides. They did that on a perfectly good T on a det bros show and I thought it was dumb as hell, car was worth much more and then they built a bad rod that wasn't even that fast.


Rev. D.
Funny, a lot of "don't chop it" sentiment on a true hot rod body, but when someone wants to take the fenders off a 50's truck cab it's all pats on the back. Not sure how that works out... Haha. [S

Now matter how you build it, it's been done before. It's not gonna be "different". You have a really good start to a cool hot rod there. Study pics of cars you like and build it the way it works for you.

Now me personally... If you keep the fenders leave it, if you ditch them then chop it. If it was mine to build right now I would keep the body stock and full fendered. Put it on a nice new chassis with a smooth running drivetrain of your choice and have a good daily driver and traveling car. Down and dirty hot rods are cool, but there is a lot to be said for a bitchin' car that you can drive cross-country in.

But what do I know? :p
It's your car now, do whatever you want. There are some hotrods' out there unchopped that look really kool. And there are some that are chopped that are really kool. Either way it's yours' now, I'm sure you will do what's right for you.

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