I find this stuff interesting too. In the 1970's we lived in Latrobe, Pa and there were a rash of sightings of Big Foot, and every night the news paper had more accounts of people seeing something they couldn't explain.
I knew a few people personally who were just regular folks and they told me stories of what they had seen. One guy was a farmer and when I drove out to his place he took me down to his barn and told me the night before his horses were acting skiddish, so he went down to see what was going on. He saw something about 7 feet tall jump over the fence and it bent the post down a little. His wife told me she was driving home one night and something big and hairy ran right in front of her car.
He asked me to no tell anyone because he and his wife didn't want people to think they were nuts or to start asking questions, but I worked with his wife so he knew he could trust me. He took me to a spot in the corral to a wheelbarrow that was turned upside down. When he turned it over there were foot prints that were way bigger than a human could make. He said he covered them up so the horses wouldn't destroy them, but he only preserved them because his Brother was coming to visit in a few days and he wanted to show them to him.
Another person I knew was a local banker and we became friends when he was remodeling the house next door to us. He showed me plaster casts he had made where some of the sightings had been reported, and they looked just like the ones I saw under the wheelbarrow. He said he was going to give them to Stan Gordon, the UFO hunter.
My then wife was an RN and worked at a small hospital. The State Police would stop by at night for coffee and a few of them confided in her that they had seen some very weird stuff in that 6 month or so period when there were sightings happening almost daily.
All I know is that when I walked my dog at night before going to bed I took a 12 gauge with me.