If your considering your time on the project as money saved, your going to save a fortune!
When I built my 49, I had just retired and closed my fully equipped welding shop, and I had just sold the last truck I'd built. I had time, equipment, space, money, lots of personal hands on experience, and a pair of helping hands when ever I needed it, all available uninterrupted! I could have saved some time if I would have bought some of the things I took the time to design and engineer myself, but who would want to do that if I didn't have to? Had it been a paying customer's truck, many of those things would have been purchased, but for myself, no way.
I sort of tracked the hours I had in the truck (it was the business guy inside of me's fault), before body and paint work, but I'm going to keep that to myself unless you really want to know. You may become discouraged if you have an idea how of much time it really takes to build this stuff.