Motor mouth ratchet jaw!
Ive used the line , " I got to ask my wife .
me to
it saves me the trouble of saying
oh hell no!
Ive used the line , " I got to ask my wife .
My wife is from the old school too...the man is the head of the household but we discuss nearly every decision that is made regarding about everything..not asking permission but out of respect for my wife....I wouldn't buy anything over 1,000 bucks without at least letting her know...she has never denied my doing or buying anything and I don't ask her about the things she buys.....she knows that I work hard at my job and I think she appreciates how hard I work at being a good husband and father too....we have a great relationship and I wouldn't trade her for anything.....
We have an agreement. She doesn't have animals in the house and I don't have car parts in the yard. Although at the moment, my daughter has a pet rabbit in her room and I have my truck parked in her garden.
One day she did tell me I couldn't get another car until she got one (I think she wants an old Mustang), but she was OK with the idea of me dragging home a 30 Buick? She also told me 'No station wagons, ever!' Sure I could drag one home, but I'd have to hear about it for ever - not nagging or such, more like sarcasm - she'd probably call it my old school minivan or something less pleasant.
I think of her as my voice of reason.
Guess some of us can just agree to dissagree, been married happpily 36 years don't think I'll change anything too soon!