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New member
Nov 7, 2010
I need some help....... I have found a 1927 Chrysler imperial that has all original with the exception of the engine being torn apart and not running.....however it is all there. The body is in reasonable condition with some minor surface rust on all fenders. The interior is all there and original.

I am looking at buying but have no idea on what to pay?

Can you help me put a value on it??

Are these things valuable??

If you are asking to buy it, you need to figure what it is worth to you. If a seller is looking to sell, he needs to set a price that he would be happy to see it go for. The value will be different in different parts of the country. Post up some pictures if you can, but the price may be between $400-and up.
These "what is it worth" questions are always tough, and all you will get are guesses. A car is worth what you are willing to pay and what the owner is willing to take. There are old car guides, but those kind of go out the window sometimes because of factors like the economy, what State the car is in, and how bad you want it or he wants it gone.

Best bet is to ask what his bottom dollar is for cash. That will give you some idea of if it is in your budget ballpark or not. Sometimes when I ask a seller that question I get a price so low I can't get my money out fast enough, other times I just have to walk away because he wants more than I have or what I think it is worth.

These questions come up and there is no bluebook answer. You ask if it is valuble. It is to a Chrysler collector. A collector would pay $7500 for what you describe. Anyone else will pay depending on how bad they want it and how much they can afford. Welcome to the board :)
always good to ask about trading also --
a lot of people these days are willing
to barter, even if its just for some of the
Is the guy giving you the ol' 'how much ya willing to pay for it' BS? Low ball him like crazy until he gives you a figure. I hate that stuff.

If your trying to be decent to a old family friend, etc. Well, that's a different story. Check e-bay for similar year and condition cars. That will get you an idea.

Really, it comes down to how bad you want it.

Just type in 1927 Chrysler Imperial for sale and that will give you an idea of what others are selling for,heck,ask him what he wants ,figure out what you want to pay for it make the offer,all he can do is say yes or no.:cool: