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Buying the 67 Corvette from the old lady who's deceased son used to own it for $1500 would be taking advantage of her, but I don't think those deals exist!....CR
I remember it as if it were only yeasterday:D

It was '77 my highschool bud calls me at home(we were seniors) he worked for a funeral home hauling dead bodies. (see where this is goin'?)Long story short, old man dies, wife didn't drive wanted it out of her garage. I gave her two chances to change her mind but, I ended up with a perfect, one owner, 23,000 mile '64 Malibu 4dr with a 6cyl. auto. for $500.00 cash. She was happy ,I was happy.

One year later my sister's boyfriend tells me he knows of a "self-medicating" kind of guy a few towns over looking to dump his blike for quick cash. He wanted $2K for a '77 FXE with 1,500 miles. Yea, yea I know but I couldn't believe it either. We checked out the bike, sweet ride. While going to do the title work the guy says if I stop & get him some smokes & beers he'll make me a deal[S For one sixpack,one carton of smokes and $1,700 bucks I rode home on a bike worth 3 times that. He was happy to keep his buzz going, I was happy also.[cl
I figure I had two of those "once-in-a-lifetime" deals. More than my share.
I'm happy[cl
I saw an article on TV recently and I don't remember the exact details, but this is essentially the gist of the story. Guy goes to a yard sale and buys an old picture for a few bucks. Finds out one of the original Declaration of Independences is hidden behind the picture. It is worth BIG money. Obviously, the guy is thrilled with his deal.

Now the question. Should he go back to the seller and give him half or some additional amount or not?

If it were me I would give the person the other half of whatever I got for it. I would be happy that I scored and even happier to make some one elses day.
About thirty years ago a buddy and I were on I-64 in southern Illinois about 30 miles outside of St. Louis when we had to take a break from the road. We stopped at a gas station and I went to use the facility. I stepped into a stall and noticed a fat wallet on the toilet paper dispenser. I picked it up looked inside and just about fell in the toilet when I noticed nothing but $100 bills inside. Of course I had to count it out of curiosity. There was $3500 in it and it belonged to an older man in his 70's based on the drivers license. I could have walked out of there $3500 richer but I knew better than to take it. I took it to the clerk and asked if anybody was looking for it? He said no but if you split it with me I won't say anything. I didn't like his reply so I called the State Police from a pay phone and a Highway Patrolman showed up about 10 minutes later and I turned the wallet over to him. He thanked me and told me I did the right thing and we need more honest people like you - blah, blah, and left. I've always wondered if that guy ever got his wallet AND his cash back?

I know, the cop probably pocketed the money himself but I was proud of myself for doing what I thought was the right thing. At least I tried.
I saw an article on TV recently and I don't remember the exact details, but this is essentially the gist of the story. Guy goes to a yard sale and buys an old picture for a few bucks. Finds out one of the original Declaration of Independences is hidden behind the picture. It is worth BIG money. Obviously, the guy is thrilled with his deal.

Now the question. Should he go back to the seller and give him half or some additional amount or not?


Nope!! First, the seller sold a picture. Not a document worth what ever dollars. He didn't even know about it. Second, the buyer bought a picture, not a document worth so many dollars. Again he didn't know about it. Nothing underhanded took place. Yes, the seller lost out on an opportunity, but by his own hand. He wasn't cheated or lied to. The buyer has no legal requirement to the seller for additional compensation.

Holy smokes!! I'm going to go get a Judge Judy job!!;)
Around here they have crushed a when you find old iron you pay what they want or the next guy ends up with it!
Thanks CR55! If my parents taught me anything it was to be honest. There's nothing special or honorable in a thief but there's something really special and honorable in being an honest person.

I've been on both sides of that fence. I've bought stuff at what i knew was alot less than it was worth. I figured the seller set the price so he must be happy with it. I've sold stuff for far less than it was "worth" simply because i no longer needed it or was tired of looking at it. As long as i was happy with the price and the buyer was happy it was a good deal.
Ok, here is one that I never could grasp. I took a couple of years of pre law before I figured out it wasn't for me. Anyway, here is a question our Professor threw at us:

Farmer has a prize Holstein cow that is worth $20,000.00, however, a vet checks over the cow and she is unable to bear calves. That makes her value worth basically meat.:D Farmer two comes along and buys the cow knowing that it is barren and takes it home. By some miracle the cow does get pregnant and has a calf. Farmer one now wants his cow back. Should he get it?

The legal answer is YES.[S Both parties entered into a contract based on what turned out to be incorrect information, so that voids the contract.:confused: I argued that one with the Prof but he said that since the facts were incorrect the deal was a bad one and both parties had to be returned to their original positions.

So, I guess the same could be said of the seller at the yard sale who sold that $ 2 picture that turned out to be worth a bundle. Guess it pays to keep your mouth shut when you make a good deal.:D

The laws of our land truely amaze me![S.....It's kinda like the burglar falling in your home and breaking a leg and sueing you and he WINS!.CR
True story. Eric had a nice Bug, but it got hit. His G-Pa told him the frame was bent (?) and he might as well get rid of it. He sold it to his friend Dave cheap. Dave put a little time repairing it and sold it for a good profit. Eric found out and told Dave that he did not think that was fair and should kick back some of that profit to him.
NOW.Suppose Dave bought the Bug, put some time and money into it but could only sell it at a loss. What would Eric have said if Dave wanted some of the money back that he paid him because he lost money on the deal?
Farmer one now wants his cow back. Should he get it?

So, I guess the same could be said of the seller at the yard sale who sold that $ 2 picture that turned out to be worth a bundle. Guess it pays to keep your mouth shut when you make a good deal.:D


Apples and oranges!!

The picture was sold as nothing more than a picture, the document was unknown to everyone. The cow was sold as a defective animal, but in turn wasn't.

But....I think your right, and the prof is wrong. There has been more than one law that has been proven wrong. [ddev

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