Well-known member
Not much done lately. Went looking at how to keep the body in one secure place. The original pan mounts will work except for the right hand front. The post with the door hinges is not connected to the rocker panel any more. 30+ years sitting in the dirt might have helped that. I think a three foot piece of 1" angle, under the rocker panel will hold that and some 1½" square tubing welded to the frame and bolted to the sheet metal inside, should hold that corner. Maybe a sheet metal patch on the outside,too. Everything from the bottom hinge on up, is in good solid shape. If I had a spare $899.00 I could get a new channel assembly to replace the rusted one. I kind of like the rust, at that price. That's all. Note: the square tubing that's used with the wood clamp is just to help hold the corner in place. Also, most joints and welds are just tacked to hold them until the whole thing is dis-assembled, cleaned up, and welded out.