Sam, yeah Grandpa was a character. He was still out playing in his shop into his 90s. We had to hide his chain saw when he was 87. He got a pacemaker when he was 86. The docs told him he couldn't be around any electric tools because they would mess up the pacemaker. Well, he hooked his heart monitor up and went through every electric tool he had. Plugged each one in, ran it, and watched the monitor. If it changed, he red tagged that tool and didn't use it anymore. The only ones that didn't pass were old, old ones he never used anyway. He was a design engineer and chief engineer at a big valve company. 50+ years there. He even had a few patents for parts of the brake systems on a steam locomotive. Very smart man. He would have loved this internet age we have now. I still miss him sometimes. Like messing with this rod. I could have had it finished by now.
Anyway, I managed to get the shifter done today. Now, I've got to cut and weld the brackets for where I want to mount it. That's another chapter. That's all.