Fascinated by rolling objects!
Is there a bit sharpener that actually works well? I don't think it is possible but i go thru a lot of expensive bits.
I sharpen all mine by hand.
I had 2 different Drill Doctors and couldn't get either one to sharpen a bit that would cut hot butter. I sharpen all mine by hand.
I had 2 different Drill Doctors and couldn't get either one to sharpen a bit that would cut hot butter. I sharpen all mine by hand.
I do the same, my dad taught me to do it that way. I have never had good results with a drill bit sharpener.
Me too, sharpen by hand. Small bits are harder.
How do you sharpen those, OI?
Just kidding, moving along!
When i do get new bits i will try those Dewalts on your recommendation OI.