Drill Bits

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
RRR Supportor
Aug 26, 2020
Northern NJ
While sitting around a circle of guys at a Drill Wreckers Anomymous meeting:

Hi my name is Bob and I can break, dull and burnup any drill bit..... LOL

I am sooooo rough on bits. I normally buy 69.00 / 89.00 drill sets that are like 21 pc. Granted they are from Home Depot, Sears ect

I saw these on line and was wondering if you guys think these are any better...

https://rodmandrill.com/collections/reaper-cobalt-bits/products/reaper-cobalt-29-piece-set-steelbox 229.00


https://rodmandrill.com/collections/reaper-hss-bits/products/29-piece-set-reaper-mechanics-length 179.00


https://rodmandrill.com/collections...s-drill-set-1-16-1-4-x-64ths-9-32-1-2-x-32nds 99.00
I think this is the same crap I'm buying now

Any drill specialists here? I don't want to spend 200 and end up with the same crap.....or maybe it is me. :eek:(

This is only an opinion, but it's a loud one. You'll be a way happier with the expensive bits. You get what you pay for, in any tools. If you drill small pilot holes and use cutting fluid, you'll be whistling all the way to the bank.
This is only an opinion, but it's a loud one. You'll be a way happier with the expensive bits. You get what you pay for, in any tools. If you drill small pilot holes and use cutting fluid, you'll be whistling all the way to the bank.

Agreed 100%
The only moment of happiness with cheap tools is the moment you pay.
I always wish I could sharpen drills. My Dad was able to take a dead drill to the grinder and have it cut like butter. He had shown me a few times but I never caught on. I bought and old drill sharpening tool at a tag sale that worked OK but not like Dad did.He was a Millwright at Raybestos and had many skills. Luck I did learn many but drill sharpening wasn't one of them. Jim
I can't sharpen a drill bit free hand on a grinder. I did buy a Drill Doctor, The one that has two stations, it sharpens and makes the split point. Tt works a lot better than I do. The diamond wheel can wear out. The wheel can be turned over and it will cut like new.
When working with metal , sharpening drill bits is something you really want to learn.
This is only an opinion, but it's a loud one. You'll be a way happier with the expensive bits. You get what you pay for, in any tools. If you drill small pilot holes and use cutting fluid, you'll be whistling all the way to the bank.

Gotcha Merc thanks. I do try to use a pilot hole first but rarely use fluid.... What has caused many drilling issues foir me is I may have miss located a hole, plug closed and had to redrill close by. I don't know if a better drill would cut better or if I'm just hardening the material.

Another would be a fabricated bracket or brace with a weld, then having to drill a hole close to the weld.
Agreed 100%
The only moment of happiness with cheap tools is the moment you pay.

Yes.... I believe this. And I do have to learn how to sharpen drills. I've thrown away enough drill bits to sink a small boat.

My father in law tried to teach me when I was a kid but didn't catch on. I do think the biggest problem is I don't have a bench grinder with the proper wheel////also try it on the belt sander or hand grinder.

I gota do better with this
I always wish I could sharpen drills. My Dad was able to take a dead drill to the grinder and have it cut like butter. He had shown me a few times but I never caught on. I bought and old drill sharpening tool at a tag sale that worked OK but not like Dad did.He was a Millwright at Raybestos and had many skills. Luck I did learn many but drill sharpening wasn't one of them. Jim

My father in law and dad as well. My job has a big machine shop....I'm gona ask one of the machinsts to give me a lesson.
I can't sharpen a drill bit free hand on a grinder. I did buy a Drill Doctor, The one that has two stations, it sharpens and makes the split point. Tt works a lot better than I do. The diamond wheel can wear out. The wheel can be turned over and it will cut like new.

I saw those.... I'm gona get a bench grinder and the proper wheel first and give it a go first and if I can't get it I'll pick up one of those.
If you drill small pilot holes and use cutting fluid, you'll be whistling all the way to the bank.

I always drill a pilot hole & use cutting fluid & that really helps keep bit wear down. I can sharpen bits but I'm about 50-50 when it comes to that & typically resort to buying new ones after I butcher the old ones! :eek:

I've had great luck with these Dewalt Pilot point bits. They start with very little to no walking and the pilot point makes it cut easy.
I get the 29 piece Cobalt bits on Amazon for $99
I also get the 29 piece HSS bit's on Amazon for $55
The itanium bits aren't very good.
I've had the kryogenic frozen bit's and don't care for them. They are too brittle.


Good point OI, you don't want drill bits that are too cheap and soft, but you don't want them too hard and brittle either.
I have pretty good luck sharpening bits on the grinder, not perfect though.
Most bits are wrecked due incorrect speed and too little pressure. Look out for blue drill chips. Those tell the tale before your bit turns blue. If that happens you basically anneal the drill bit and it gets soft. Cooling is way more important than lubricating. You`re better of using water rather than oil.
Sharpening bits for me has always been a bit hit & miss. But now my eyesight is so poor that I'm a lost cause on the small ones for sure.
Tack weld 2 nuts together when they lay flat / side by side. That makes an easy guide for the angle and center of the bit. Then make sure the cutting edge always is the highest point.
I never have my drill press out of the slowest rpm setting. I can sharpen larger bits by hand, somewhat. A 1/8" pilot hole, then a 1/4" hole is how I begin all holes in everything except sheet metal. I use a step drill bit for that. I haven't bought a drill bit larger than 1/4" in 15-20 years. Cutting oil makes a mess.
Felt pretty good today so I went down to Harbor Frieght and bought a 99.00 bench grinder. Watched a couple videos and it looks like I got it. Some chip and some spiral can't tell what I'm doing different but they cut pretty good. Much better than having to run out and buy a new drill everytime I dull one up.

I checked the drill and it is on the slowest rpm which I think was 550....the highest is 3000 gezzze.

Thanks for all the info idea's guys

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