A *real* tin magnet
I've been figuring 15%-18% for quite a while now with paypal fees. But I look at it this way, I take items to a local auction with 50 people in the crowd and pay 15% so it really isn't out of line to pay that and have thousands of viewers.
I also use craigslist more, and the HAMB. I have real good luck there with certain items.
I don't do auctions much on ebay anymore, just put a buy it now with free shipping and it sells or it doesn't. One thing is the listing fees aren't much so it only costs small change if it didn't sell. I usually look what other similar items sell for and back my price up just a little from that. Items almost always sell that way. Never, never , ever use a hidden reserve. Those items never sell.
I also use craigslist more, and the HAMB. I have real good luck there with certain items.
I don't do auctions much on ebay anymore, just put a buy it now with free shipping and it sells or it doesn't. One thing is the listing fees aren't much so it only costs small change if it didn't sell. I usually look what other similar items sell for and back my price up just a little from that. Items almost always sell that way. Never, never , ever use a hidden reserve. Those items never sell.