Endless BS thread

Rat Rods Rule

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I'd try to hook up the HD to a second PC first. Then, if you can't get it to come up, put it back in the old PC and take it in and see if they can salvage the data. If you take it to Best Buy or the like, they may stupidly reformat it - never trust a low paid employee to do something smart.

I hope you fellas pardon my ignorance in matters of technology, but is there the possibility that I'll transfer the virus/spyware/malware that killed my previous computer, into my new computer, if I hook up my old hard drive to my new computer?
Unfortunately now I have a car that is too nice to called a Rat and too darn ugly to be seen as a show car, what the heck have I done, or better yet what the heck can I do about it. I am heart broken and sick any suggestions would be appreciated.

Well I look at it like this....Of couse it's always nice to receive compliments on your car/truck from others, but you have to please yourself first. I build them to my own taste and I don't worry about what category they fit into. If others like them that's great, but if they don't, I have still built something that I'm happy with.
Hey Gas

you sure you didn't just plain wear out the old hard drive? I mean, come on, 10,000 posts would wear anything out!:D
I hope you fellas pardon my ignorance in matters of technology, but is there the possibility that I'll transfer the virus/spyware/malware that killed my previous computer, into my new computer, if I hook up my old hard drive to my new computer?

You know the saying "The only stupid question is the one not asked."

It won't happen automatically, only if you start moving or opening files on it. So, first would be to see if the PC recognizes the HDD. Then, if it does come up, run a virus scan on it right off. Things like photos are rarely infect-able (? is that a word?).

If it doesn't recognize at first, try turning the drive on it's side - sometimes the mechanical drive part is actually the problem - odds are you would hear that - sounds like a bearing going out.

My bet is either the HDD fried, or the CPU fried.
I'm with JFG. I like to listen to the comments when they don't know i am the owner. If they are real negative i join in on the faultfinding. :D
This reminds me of throwing pocket change on the floor in a waiting room or where people are standing in line or at an event like an indoor car show. It makes people very uncomfortable :D
They want to pick it up but they don't want to be seen doing it.Then some are annoyed to be put in that situation.Then some are flabbergasted that SOMEONE WOULD THROW MONEY ON THE FLOOR! Cheap fun when you are bored :D Paper airplanes out of dollar bills are fun as well.
the last dealership we worked at the owner was a cheap crooked SOB. when we were on break we would toss a couple of pennies out in the middle of the shop. every time the owner would pick them up (mind you he was 5"10"" and 600lbs!) 5 min later the service manager was out yelling at us to get back to work. big fun!

or you can glue a quarter to the floor. thats fun too
You have a sic sense of humor....lol

the last dealership we worked at the owner was a cheap crooked SOB. when we were on break we would toss a couple of pennies out in the middle of the shop. every time the owner would pick them up (mind you he was 5"10"" and 600lbs!) 5 min later the service manager was out yelling at us to get back to work. big fun!

or you can glue a quarter to the floor. thats fun too

The last owner of a dealership I worked for Farted whenever or wherever he would go... nice guy but literally a "bag of wind"... and he wasn't embarrassed about it.... I had a Pontiac Rep..(God rest their sole) that was discussing warranty claims and Bowtie Bob..(the owner) let one fly that made our eyes water.:eek:... he just chuckled and walked out of the office..... we abandoned ship and let it air out.....:D the Rep was amazed...
my trials and tribulations...

well i was gonna go sbc 400 in my 46, then the motor was to rusty to bore out "clean or safe"...ok i'll go another route-beef up the lil 350...bought back a 350 vortec from a friend who hadn't done anything with it since he'd bought it from me 'bout 8 yrs ago--was gonna use the heads--but alas the machine shop called yesterday, and one is cracked....

so this morning i called a salvage yard and ordered a head to be delivered to the shop & called the machinist to let him know... "well, we'll probably hafta go thru 4-5 to get a good 'un" well i think if it takes that many i will lose patience and (against my better judgement) buy a set of those ebay specials= sbc alum. heads for 600 ready to bolt on

[Sany suggestions?
Sounds like the guy is just lazy.....

Personally i'm skeptical about having to check 4 or 5 to find a good one.

Most decent salvage yards know if a head is good or not or are at least 99% sure..... but 600 bucks for a set of sbc alum heads sounds pretty tempting!!
That stupid movie, Towering Inferno, came on TV today & it has a ton of big name actors... Paul Newman, Steve McQueen & so on & while cruising the list of actors guess who else... Norm Grabowski... krazy!!!

Most decent salvage yards know if a head is good or not or are at least 99% sure..... but 600 bucks for a set of sbc alum heads sounds pretty tempting!!

i would completely agree w/ya except the first 2 i took i looked over thoroughly and was convinced i had a pair of good ones...as far as i know, vortecs are bad about cracking when they get overheated, and get overheated b/c of chevy's inferior intake gaskets from the factory leaking coolant frequently....anyway, i am still not convinced on aluminum, i'm told different head bolts are needed and there is always my fear of bolts seizing in the heads--exhaust bolts, etc.

hey gas! good looking shoes for a 34!!!!!!1:cool::cool:

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