Old Iron
Well-known member
You didn't run out there to get a closer picture?
A couple of questions. When you say bear corridor, where are they traveling to and from? How big do they get in your area? And is there a hunting season for them? I'm not a hunter of them, just curios.
The bear corridor is a traditional travel route from their original areas to the breeding grounds which is south of me but not far. They travel this route to breed and birth. I get to witness the migration twice a year. To and from, singles going thru and babies coming back with their mothers. For years, bear hunting was not on our hunting seasons. A year or two ago they had the first bear hunt here in years. They planned on a week hunt but closed it down when the expected harvest was filled out in about 3 days. Our state is getting crowded. More woods destroyed or turned into housing areas so the bear habitat is dwindling but the population stayed thick. Dumb people feed them. That turns them into dependents for food rather than self sufficient. Then the people started complaining. So they had a hunting season. Unfortunately, the bears that got taken during the hunting season were not the troublesome bears. Sorry for the rant! But I'm on the bear's side here. I've been here for 30 years and I enjoy co-existing. We've never had trouble with each other. I can't say the same for some of the humans...
A big one here would probably top out at 600 lbs. Most mature ones I see are probably around 400lbs, just guessing, I doubt one would let me pick him up for testing his weight!
You first. I dare ya!
John Prine has a song, "Some People Ain't Human". That population is growing all the time.
If that happens he's gonna have some serious problems with me.