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Rat Rods Rule

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Did you know the "51237" on the license plate of "Fillmore" from CARS is the zip code for my home town-George, Iowa? George Carlin was the voice of Fillmore, who's birthdate was ironically 5-12-37.

Did you know the "51237" on the license plate of "Fillmore" from CARS is the zip code for my home town-George, Iowa? George Carlin was the voice of Fillmore, who's birthdate was ironically 5-12-37.

My birthday is 5-12-66 Just a few years off.

I miss George Carlin, he was the best.

Saw that Farrah Fawcet passed away today. :( She is now a real angel.
I HATE the word..

It makes my skin CRAWL I tell ya.....The word..RARE..!!

Saw this on a episode of "Livin the low life"..A guy at a swap meet PAID 3000.00 dollars for an original compass.!!! HOW and the FRIG do you afford a 3000.00 dollar compass..?!?!?!? AND he had to ask the seller how low would he go..!!!

Im in love with Vida Guerra...wow...

Saw the same compass on EBay...30 dollars...I SWEAR.>!!

I was abducted,now I am watching all of you...:D

Ordered my spring perch,it came and in my excitement to clean house..I THREW GD thing away..!!! :rolleyes:
I must have been abducted, woke up with a pain in the top of my left ear.
Never heard of anyone having a pain in the outer ear before.Hurt for three days and i noticed a hard object under the skin that wasn't there before.
So i figure i got an implant. Who knows, maybe it's a good thing.:)
I must have been abducted, woke up with a pain in the top of my left ear.
Never heard of anyone having a pain in the outer ear before.Hurt for three days and i noticed a hard object under the skin that wasn't there before.
So i figure i got an implant. Who knows, maybe it's a good thing.:)

Better to wake with a pain the ear than a pain in the - rhymes with ear.
So today I went in to tag the truck my son and I have been fixing up. I bought it in the fall of 07, and then broke my back and spent the next year plus, unable to work on the truck. The guy I bought it from dated the title when he signed it. Colorado has a new tax on registering a vehicle late. (60 days expired, or after purchase) So the tag for the truck cost an additional $100 bucks because I did not tag it right away. Shoot, the truck didn't even run when I bought it, and you have to insure it before you can tag it. I am growing more and more tired of being taxed on everything.

The good news is I have the packet from the state for an assigned vin (street rod plate) for the Willys project. We will see what kind of red tape that one will be.
B.H., laws like that are made by politicians (lawyers) who have no clue about daily life for people who struggle to get by. ( why they're not poor, they are just irresponsible) And when they impound the vehicles of people who can't afford insurance (agreed, no one should be on the road without ins), but to charge them $50 a day storage! In this world, the rich get richer and the poor pay late fees. They're not poor, they are just irresponsible in the politicians eyes.
Im in love with Vida Guerra...wow...[/QUOTE said:
Me too!

Ya I agree it really sucks to have to pay more and more taxes.

I used to be able to tag my motorcycle in the spring which worked out great. Now I have to tag it in December. Who is thinking about riding in December :rolleyes: Well there was that one year!

Same with my last car I used to wait to tag it til I took it out for the summer now if I were to do that Id have to pay a late fee? How Stupid. More money for less use

WHEN will I ever learn to wear welding gloves... maybe I just like lil burn spots on my palms!?!?
Woke up today thinking about my impending divorce and the fact that I have no choice but to move in with my Dad in his small condo at least for the time being. Also thinking about the fact that I don't have a job and I am having one hell of a time finding one. My project truck is scattered over a 60 mile radius from my house. I'm broke, my soon to be ex is too even though she has a full time job and we both have two kids to support and major bills to pay. Life has sure thrown a lot of **** at us lately!!! Despite it all I gotta keep smiling!! :)
why are kids infatuated with ramps and trailers?
I was working on my enclosed trailer yesterday and my 3 year old went up and down the ramp on his scooter till I told him I was getting dizzy.
I was the same damn way as a kid:D
Why is our Government trying to tax "Cow Farts" now?

Seems like someone tld me earlier today it would work out to be about 150.00$ per cow, per year.

They are calling it a "Methane Emissions tax"

Still a "Cow fart tax" either way............WTF............
Why is our Government trying to tax "Cow Farts" now?

Seems like someone tld me earlier today it would work out to be about 150.00$ per cow, per year.

They are calling it a "Methane Emissions tax"

Still a "Cow fart tax" either way............WTF............

Seems like they should tax all politicians - due to all the hot air they expel when they open their mouths.
Woke up today thinking about my impending divorce and the fact that I have no choice but to move in with my Dad in his small condo at least for the time being. Also thinking about the fact that I don't have a job and I am having one hell of a time finding one. My project truck is scattered over a 60 mile radius from my house. I'm broke, my soon to be ex is too even though she has a full time job and we both have two kids to support and major bills to pay. Life has sure thrown a lot of **** at us lately!!! Despite it all I gotta keep smiling!! :)

Keep your head up Bud, lots of us have been in exactly the same place. When my ex and I split she got the house and new car and I only wanted my two cats and my roadster. Moved in with my Sons. That was 11 years ago and now I know she did me the biggest favor of my life. It may be little consolation, but millions of people are going through the same financial strains right now............losing jobs, homes, cars, etc. Even the food banks are running low because so many are out of work.

But life has a way of turning around on you, and hard times make you appreciate the good times when they come.................and believe me, they will come for you. Just keep hanging in there.


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